OK, here's a weird one.
Our T1 went down and local machine name resolution went way slow.
I could ping by IP and get instant response, pinging by machine name took a long time to resolve. It would resolve and the ping had no failures. It just took a long time to resolve the name.
When the T would came back up, name resolution was its old speedy self.
This occured from either NT4sp6a workstations or W2K pro.
I'm running WINS, (no local DNS servers), Not running LMHOSTS on local machines.
Gateway settings point to our Firewall.
The WINS db looks OK on both WINS servers. Replication between them looks good. No errors in Event Logs.
I just can't seem to figure why not having interenet/DNS server access would slow it down as DNS is the last thing hit when resolving NetBIOS (machine) names.
NetBIOS name resolution order
NetBIOS Name Cache
WINS Server
B-node broadcast
HOSTS file
DNS Server
Any ideas?
Our T1 went down and local machine name resolution went way slow.
I could ping by IP and get instant response, pinging by machine name took a long time to resolve. It would resolve and the ping had no failures. It just took a long time to resolve the name.
When the T would came back up, name resolution was its old speedy self.
This occured from either NT4sp6a workstations or W2K pro.
I'm running WINS, (no local DNS servers), Not running LMHOSTS on local machines.
Gateway settings point to our Firewall.
The WINS db looks OK on both WINS servers. Replication between them looks good. No errors in Event Logs.
I just can't seem to figure why not having interenet/DNS server access would slow it down as DNS is the last thing hit when resolving NetBIOS (machine) names.
NetBIOS name resolution order
NetBIOS Name Cache
WINS Server
B-node broadcast
HOSTS file
DNS Server
Any ideas?