Hello All,
I have the below code and I basically want module 1 to run to generate a unique report number based on the item type, current year, and then a sequential number starting with 1 so it would look like this - IN12-0001 etc. That report # should also automatically populate in the persons involved table (I have it hidden now) so that we can associate the people involved with the report #. Can anyone see why I get #Name error??
Thanks in advance for your support
Option Compare Database
Function NewSeqNumber(pItem_Type) As String
Dim db As Database
Dim LSQL As String
Dim LUpdate As String
Dim LInsert As String
Dim Lrs As DAO.Recordset
Dim LSeqNumber As String
Dim LYear As String
Dim iLastNbr As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
Set db = CurrentDb()
'Retrieve last 2 digits of current year
LYear = Left(DatePart("yyyy", Date()), 3)
'Retrieve last number assigned for item_type/year combination
LSQL = "Select Last_Nbr_Assigned from Codes"
LSQL = LSQL & " where Code_Desc = '" & pItem_Type & LYear & "';"
Set Lrs = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL , dbDynaset)
'If no records were found, create a new item_type/year combination in
'the Codes table and set initial value to 1
If Lrs.EOF = True Then
Lrs("Code_Desc").Value = pItem_Type & LYear
Lrs("Last_Nbr_Assigned") = 1
'New sequential number is formatted as "A05-0001", for example
LSeqNumber = pItem_Type & LYear & "-" & Format(1, "0000")
'Determine new sequential number
iLastNbr = Lrs("Last_Nbr_Assigned") .Value
'*** Increment the last number assigned
iLastNbr = iLastNbr + 1
Lrs("Last_Nbr_Assigned") = iLastNbr
'New sequential number is formatted as "A05-0001", for example
LSeqNumber = pItem_Type & LYear & "-" & Format(iLastNbr, "0000")
End If
Set Lrs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
NewSeqNumber = LSeqNumber
Exit Function
'An error occurred, return blank string
NewSeqNumber = ""
MsgBox "An error occurred while trying to determine the next sequential number to assign."
End Function
I have the below code and I basically want module 1 to run to generate a unique report number based on the item type, current year, and then a sequential number starting with 1 so it would look like this - IN12-0001 etc. That report # should also automatically populate in the persons involved table (I have it hidden now) so that we can associate the people involved with the report #. Can anyone see why I get #Name error??
Thanks in advance for your support
Option Compare Database
Function NewSeqNumber(pItem_Type) As String
Dim db As Database
Dim LSQL As String
Dim LUpdate As String
Dim LInsert As String
Dim Lrs As DAO.Recordset
Dim LSeqNumber As String
Dim LYear As String
Dim iLastNbr As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Execute
Set db = CurrentDb()
'Retrieve last 2 digits of current year
LYear = Left(DatePart("yyyy", Date()), 3)
'Retrieve last number assigned for item_type/year combination
LSQL = "Select Last_Nbr_Assigned from Codes"
LSQL = LSQL & " where Code_Desc = '" & pItem_Type & LYear & "';"
Set Lrs = db.OpenRecordset(LSQL , dbDynaset)
'If no records were found, create a new item_type/year combination in
'the Codes table and set initial value to 1
If Lrs.EOF = True Then
Lrs("Code_Desc").Value = pItem_Type & LYear
Lrs("Last_Nbr_Assigned") = 1
'New sequential number is formatted as "A05-0001", for example
LSeqNumber = pItem_Type & LYear & "-" & Format(1, "0000")
'Determine new sequential number
iLastNbr = Lrs("Last_Nbr_Assigned") .Value
'*** Increment the last number assigned
iLastNbr = iLastNbr + 1
Lrs("Last_Nbr_Assigned") = iLastNbr
'New sequential number is formatted as "A05-0001", for example
LSeqNumber = pItem_Type & LYear & "-" & Format(iLastNbr, "0000")
End If
Set Lrs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
NewSeqNumber = LSeqNumber
Exit Function
'An error occurred, return blank string
NewSeqNumber = ""
MsgBox "An error occurred while trying to determine the next sequential number to assign."
End Function