I am trying to redirect based on some conditions. This is the JS
function confirmBox(PageIndex,PreStartPage,Mode)
if (confirm('We will charge you to view this page.Do you want to confirm this?'))
strHREF = 'CustomerMain.asp?PageIndex=' + PreStartPage + '&mode=' + Mode + '&PremiumAllowed=TRUE'
window.location.href = strHREF
strHREF = 'CustomerMain.asp?PageIndex=' + PageIndex + '&mode=' + Mode + '&PremiumAllowed=FALSE'
window.location.href = strHREF
It is working perfect in my PC. But when I move this project to other PC's it is NOT working ( and it is driving me crazy). Any help would be highly appreciated.
function confirmBox(PageIndex,PreStartPage,Mode)
if (confirm('We will charge you to view this page.Do you want to confirm this?'))
strHREF = 'CustomerMain.asp?PageIndex=' + PreStartPage + '&mode=' + Mode + '&PremiumAllowed=TRUE'
window.location.href = strHREF
strHREF = 'CustomerMain.asp?PageIndex=' + PageIndex + '&mode=' + Mode + '&PremiumAllowed=FALSE'
window.location.href = strHREF
It is working perfect in my PC. But when I move this project to other PC's it is NOT working ( and it is driving me crazy). Any help would be highly appreciated.