Ran into a problem. The data on my Maxtor 250 gig PATA HD has doubled in size. It has been around 100 gig for a while now. I must have done something . . . because I now have 200 gig of data on board. It seems to have happened as a single event. This would be great if it was some cool stuff, but I can't get to it to even see what is. "My Computer" is showing that my drive has a single partition of 250 gig with 200 gig of data on board and Windows Defrag utility is showing this 'mystery data' as a 100 gig, giant red block of un-defragable data. I have a directory tree checker utility and it sees this mystery data as a single, 100 gig directory and calls it ‘Wasted Space.’ I agree! I did an uneventful checkdsk and Maxtor's disk check utility MaxBlast is showing the drive is 100% healthy. It boots and runs fine.
I'd just go in and delete it, but Explorer can not see it at all. I can't get to it!
Any ideas about how I might be able to get rid of this mysterious, inaccessible data?
I'd just go in and delete it, but Explorer can not see it at all. I can't get to it!
Any ideas about how I might be able to get rid of this mysterious, inaccessible data?