OK, here's an interesting one. I have a solutiuon that was created by a third-party developer. It contains a global field whose value serves as the key to a relationship for various different report formats. What it does is really irrelevant here.
Here's what's curious: at startup it has a value that is being set to "Cost Center". We have a value list that provides the different values that drive that relationship and we have since removed "Cost Center" from that list. But whenever the database is started, that value is still added to the global field.
We checked and there is no set field command on a startup script that populates that value. In fact, we cleared the field, turned on the data viewer and the debugger, and then shut down the database. When we start it up the "Cost Center" value appears in the data viewer before any script runs. A quick check of the field definitions shows that there is no auto enter values set, so we are a little flumoxed about where and when that value is being set.
Anybody ever seen anything like this? We're going to call the developer to find out why, but we'd like to figure this out. Any ideas?
Here's what's curious: at startup it has a value that is being set to "Cost Center". We have a value list that provides the different values that drive that relationship and we have since removed "Cost Center" from that list. But whenever the database is started, that value is still added to the global field.
We checked and there is no set field command on a startup script that populates that value. In fact, we cleared the field, turned on the data viewer and the debugger, and then shut down the database. When we start it up the "Cost Center" value appears in the data viewer before any script runs. A quick check of the field definitions shows that there is no auto enter values set, so we are a little flumoxed about where and when that value is being set.
Anybody ever seen anything like this? We're going to call the developer to find out why, but we'd like to figure this out. Any ideas?