1. How do I connect to a MySQL database?
2. What do these MySQL commands mean when I try to create a table?
Type: ISAM, MyISAM, Heap, Merge, InnoDB
Data type: >tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint, float, double, decimal, date, datetime, timestamp, time, year, char, varchar, tinyblob, tinytext, blob, text, mediumblob, mediumtextm, longblob, longtext, enum, set
Or, where can I find information on what they mean?
2. What do these MySQL commands mean when I try to create a table?
Type: ISAM, MyISAM, Heap, Merge, InnoDB
Data type: >tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint, float, double, decimal, date, datetime, timestamp, time, year, char, varchar, tinyblob, tinytext, blob, text, mediumblob, mediumtextm, longblob, longtext, enum, set
Or, where can I find information on what they mean?