Coming from the world of Access and ASP.
Sorry for such 'FAQ' questions, but the faq on installing doesn't answer and I hoped that someone would be able to clear some of my newbie questions up for me.
I want to build multiple sites in PHP on one machine and as you would expect upload them to the web.
Multiple sites, multiple databases
Don't understand this concept? MySQL appears to install like a normal program on the machine in the Program files folder and run via a GUI client. If I create a new database, where does it install? How do I get to it. I understand the concept of connections strings and ODBC, but can you store an instance of MySQL in a db folder within you folder structure of your website like you would an .mdb file?
Local vs Web Host - how?
As discussed above, MS Access stores a local file in a local folder that I ftp over to the web host and the database is synched. How does one accomplish this? (you may alread have answered that above, but wanted to throw this one in to make sure it was covered)
Testing Server - local or online?
What do you feel is the best practice? I am now using Adobe CS5 (upgrading from CS4 today) and I know that it has this online version of viewing pages - though I haven't seen it yet). What is the new or best way to set up a testing server?
I am more than willing to read, but so far all of the tutorials and PHP books I have don't let me ask questions LOL. If you can point out a tutorial or primer - GREAT
Thanks Keith
Sorry for such 'FAQ' questions, but the faq on installing doesn't answer and I hoped that someone would be able to clear some of my newbie questions up for me.
I want to build multiple sites in PHP on one machine and as you would expect upload them to the web.
Multiple sites, multiple databases
Don't understand this concept? MySQL appears to install like a normal program on the machine in the Program files folder and run via a GUI client. If I create a new database, where does it install? How do I get to it. I understand the concept of connections strings and ODBC, but can you store an instance of MySQL in a db folder within you folder structure of your website like you would an .mdb file?
Local vs Web Host - how?
As discussed above, MS Access stores a local file in a local folder that I ftp over to the web host and the database is synched. How does one accomplish this? (you may alread have answered that above, but wanted to throw this one in to make sure it was covered)
Testing Server - local or online?
What do you feel is the best practice? I am now using Adobe CS5 (upgrading from CS4 today) and I know that it has this online version of viewing pages - though I haven't seen it yet). What is the new or best way to set up a testing server?
I am more than willing to read, but so far all of the tutorials and PHP books I have don't let me ask questions LOL. If you can point out a tutorial or primer - GREAT
Thanks Keith