A few weeks / months ago i set up MySQL 4.1.10a on my ClarkConnect gateway / router / dev server. Once it was up and running i changed the password for root to one i can remember quite well and always use for development work.
I logged in successfully using that password, did some of the post install tasks suggested in the mysql install guide and haven't touched it since.
Today, i'm trying to login to mysql using root and i'm getting access denied. I have not touched it since the last time the password worked. I've gone thru my putty logs and verified i'm using the right password. The only thing that has changed since the install is that the computer i am running putty from has been upgraded and OS re-installed but i can't see how that would make a difference to something happening on the clarkconenct box.
Any ideas wtf is going on? Should i just give up and re-install?
The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.
I logged in successfully using that password, did some of the post install tasks suggested in the mysql install guide and haven't touched it since.
Today, i'm trying to login to mysql using root and i'm getting access denied. I have not touched it since the last time the password worked. I've gone thru my putty logs and verified i'm using the right password. The only thing that has changed since the install is that the computer i am running putty from has been upgraded and OS re-installed but i can't see how that would make a difference to something happening on the clarkconenct box.
Any ideas wtf is going on? Should i just give up and re-install?
The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time.