Does anybody know if MySQL can natively export to a fixed-width format? I have tried "mysqldump" and also "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE", but both of these methods add undesirable "tab" spaces into the export.
I have specified column lengths for the table during creation, so that should not be an issue.
I know this is possible, as I have done it via a 3rd party utility called MYSQLyog, but I need to be able to do this from a PHP script, or at the very least from the MySQL prompt.
- ZelloFellow
I have specified column lengths for the table during creation, so that should not be an issue.
I know this is possible, as I have done it via a 3rd party utility called MYSQLyog, but I need to be able to do this from a PHP script, or at the very least from the MySQL prompt.
- ZelloFellow