Here is the situation, developed an application using utf8 collation with mysql 4.1.7. The server it is running on has the default collatoin set of latin1-swedish. When we try to run the following query, we get an error.
My question is, can you specify the collatoin type to use for a connection?
select d.location, d.docid, d.ownerid, d.filename, d.date_added, d.size, d.filetype,d.ispress, p.denied, DATE_FORMAT(date_added, '%c/%e/%Y') as datesubmitted from ad_document as d LEFT JOIN ad_document_permissions as p ON d.docid=p.docid and p.userid = '101' where (companyid = '1') and (CONCAT(filename,'.',filetype) = 'AIM_guide_SCC.pdf' or CONCAT(filename,'.',filetype) = 'activedoc_todo.txt' ) ORDER BY CONCAT(filename,'.',filetype) ;
SQL/DB Error -- [Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE), (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation 'concat']
My question is, can you specify the collatoin type to use for a connection?