I am building two dual cpu Linux systems, I have the Mylex 400/500 RAID controller, Tyan S2720 motherboard (without onboard SCSI) and 4 73.6 Quantum ATLAS 10K II drives. The drives are 80 pin SCA, so I bought adapters from scsi4me.com to convert to 68 pin. When booting I can get into the BIOS of the RAID controller by hitting the alt-m and I can configure the BIOS, but, when trying to load the controller configuration with the alt-r as indicated, I get no response except for a brief message stating it will initiate the configuation after the system posts. There is also a message stating that "No system drives installed". That makes sense because I can not get to the controller config to setup system drives. I have correct ID's on each adapter, these drives have no jumper settings but to disable or enable SE/LVD, so all settings have to be configured on the 80 to 68 pin converters. Try as I might, I can't get to the controller config, so I am not sure it is picking up the drives, although it does indicate "spinning up drives", Any idea's or suggestions from some SCSI guru's would be helpful.