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My monitor is Dead and Clicking -- Please help!

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Sep 5, 2002
Hello all. I suppose my 15" Sony trinitron monitor (Multiscan 15sf) has lived a good long life, but the other day it went suddenly dead. It made a clicking sound even when I turned the power switch off (the power on light also stopped working). The only way i could get it to stop clicking was to unplug it, and then the clicking slowly died down getting slower and fainter until it stopped. Doh! Does this sound like a capacitor or something discharging? I this something I can play with myself? Or should I just put the thing out of its misery?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Do not attempt any monitor repairs yourself unless you are an electronics tech type. There are capacitors inside the case that hold a very high charge even when the unit is unplugged and if you accidently short one of these the power is enough to cause serious injury or death.
Take it to a tech or bin it. All things are possible except skiing through a revolving door.
The clicking sound is probebly the thermal circuit breaker trying. It sounds like the monitor has gone south.
I've had the same problem with a 17" monitor. When it starts clicking, it is more than likely a terminal issue and its best to get a new monitor. Besides, those monitor repair men can sometimes charge as much as you getting a new monitor!
So I'd toss it. *RIP* ~Apex1x
Sattinger's Law:
It works better if you plug it in.
just a friendlt reminder check with your local epa before you throw the thing to the curb or dumpster you could get fined by them .found out the hard way.
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