I have a database with three tables: cases, firms, and manymany. Each case and firm has an autonumber key. manymany allows a many-many relationship by storing a case ID and firm ID in each row.
When doing data entry, I want to enter some data about the case, and then associate firms with it. Initially this failed because the case I was entering data into had not yet been created, so inserting a line referencing that case's soon-to-be ID violated the table relationships. In response I added the following code:
Basically, it creates the new case once the first bit of information is entered (as a lost focus event). The code works, and once I enter the information I can see in the record navigation bar that I am no longer working on the * record. It does not, however, prevent the key error problem.
If I navigate forward to the newly created * record and back to the one I'm working on, I can suddenly associate firms without any error.
My question, then, is what command(s) to use instead of "Me.Form.Refresh" so that my form realizes that the table relationships are in fact not being abused.
Thanks in advance,
When doing data entry, I want to enter some data about the case, and then associate firms with it. Initially this failed because the case I was entering data into had not yet been created, so inserting a line referencing that case's soon-to-be ID violated the table relationships. In response I added the following code:
Private Sub Citation_LostFocus()
Dim strSQL As String
If IsNull(CaseNo.Value) And Not IsNull(Citation.Value) Then
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Cases(Citation) VALUES (" & Citation.Value & ");"
DoCmd.RunSQL (strSQL)
End If
End Sub
Basically, it creates the new case once the first bit of information is entered (as a lost focus event). The code works, and once I enter the information I can see in the record navigation bar that I am no longer working on the * record. It does not, however, prevent the key error problem.
If I navigate forward to the newly created * record and back to the one I'm working on, I can suddenly associate firms without any error.
My question, then, is what command(s) to use instead of "Me.Form.Refresh" so that my form realizes that the table relationships are in fact not being abused.
Thanks in advance,