Hi there,
I am trying to update a larget postgres db (the table has around 40,000 records) but it always seems to be crashing when I run the script (I either get a prompt to download the .asp file at the end, or the browser displays the regular page not found error), when I check the db its partinally updated.
I am thinking if its just my system that is not able to handle that amount of query, or if I am doing something wrong in my code that I just can't figure out ....
any input is much appreciated
I am trying to update a larget postgres db (the table has around 40,000 records) but it always seems to be crashing when I run the script (I either get a prompt to download the .asp file at the end, or the browser displays the regular page not found error), when I check the db its partinally updated.
I am thinking if its just my system that is not able to handle that amount of query, or if I am doing something wrong in my code that I just can't figure out ....
any input is much appreciated
Server.ScriptTimeout = 36000000
SQL="select * from membersh order by mem_id "
set RS = sess_conn.execute(SQL)
dim SQL2, RS2, first, last
If not RS.eof then
first = LCase (RS ("first_name"))
last = LCase (RS("last_name"))
SQL2="update membersh set login_id='" & first & last & "', login_pwd='password' where mem_id=" & RS("mem_id")
set RS2 = sess_conn.execute(SQL2)
count = count+1
Loop until RS.eof
End if
set rs=nothing
set conn=nothing