I have a problem with a mutating trigger. I have table that contains sort keys, and when a row is deleted, I want the sort keys to be resorted so that there are no gaps. Ie, if I have 100 rows, sorted 1 to 100, then if row 50 is deleted, then 51 to 100 to be renumbered 50 to 99.
So far this have been handled by a procedure, but this does not protect the data should someone type "delete from table where id = ??", so I have been trying to do this with a trigger, but so far with little success.
The trigger on the table is:
create or replace
trigger scpm.mplant_aft_del
after delete
on scpm.master_plant
for each row
update scpm.master_plant
set sort_key = sort_key -1
where sort_key > ld.sort_key;
There is also a before insert and update trigger :
create or replace
trigger scpm.mplant_b4_ins_upd
insert or
update of plant_desc, plant_long, plant_alias, iso_num, plant_type_id, plant_status
on scpm.master_plant
for each row
if inserting then
select mplant_id_seq.nextval into :new.plant_id from dual;
if :new.sort_key < 1 then
/* find maximum (bottom of range) sort position */
select nvl(max(sort_key),0)+1 into :new.sort_key from scpm.master_plant ;
/* reposition all higher (lower down the list) sort keys */
update scpm.master_plant
set sort_key = sort_key + 1
where sort_key >= :new.sort_key ;
end if;
:new.updt_user := user;
:new.updt_time := sysdate;
elsif updating then
/* We are updating */
:new.updt_user := user;
:new.updt_time := sysdate;
end if;
The table in question is:
create table scpm.master_plant
( plant_id number(4) not null
, plant_desc varchar2(20) not null
, plant_long varchar2(100) not null
, plant_alias varchar2(20)
, iso_num number(3) not null
references scpm.iso_country (iso_num)
on delete cascade
, plant_type_id number(4) not null
references scpm.master_plant_type (plant_type_id)
on delete cascade
, plant_status varchar2(10) not null
, sort_key number(4) not null
, updt_user varchar2(10) not null
, updt_time date not null
, constraint mplant_pk primary key (plant_id)
using index pctfree 5 initrans 4
tablespace indx storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
, constraint mplant_desc_u unique (plant_desc)
using index pctfree 5 initrans 4
tablespace indx storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
, constraint mplant_long_u unique (plant_long)
using index pctfree 5 initrans 4
tablespace indx storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
, constraint mplant_sort_u unique (sort_key)
using index pctfree 5 initrans 4
tablespace indx storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
pctfree 5 pctused 60 initrans 2 maxtrans 255
tablespace usr storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
Any ideas?
I have a problem with a mutating trigger. I have table that contains sort keys, and when a row is deleted, I want the sort keys to be resorted so that there are no gaps. Ie, if I have 100 rows, sorted 1 to 100, then if row 50 is deleted, then 51 to 100 to be renumbered 50 to 99.
So far this have been handled by a procedure, but this does not protect the data should someone type "delete from table where id = ??", so I have been trying to do this with a trigger, but so far with little success.
The trigger on the table is:
create or replace
trigger scpm.mplant_aft_del
after delete
on scpm.master_plant
for each row
update scpm.master_plant
set sort_key = sort_key -1
where sort_key > ld.sort_key;
There is also a before insert and update trigger :
create or replace
trigger scpm.mplant_b4_ins_upd
insert or
update of plant_desc, plant_long, plant_alias, iso_num, plant_type_id, plant_status
on scpm.master_plant
for each row
if inserting then
select mplant_id_seq.nextval into :new.plant_id from dual;
if :new.sort_key < 1 then
/* find maximum (bottom of range) sort position */
select nvl(max(sort_key),0)+1 into :new.sort_key from scpm.master_plant ;
/* reposition all higher (lower down the list) sort keys */
update scpm.master_plant
set sort_key = sort_key + 1
where sort_key >= :new.sort_key ;
end if;
:new.updt_user := user;
:new.updt_time := sysdate;
elsif updating then
/* We are updating */
:new.updt_user := user;
:new.updt_time := sysdate;
end if;
The table in question is:
create table scpm.master_plant
( plant_id number(4) not null
, plant_desc varchar2(20) not null
, plant_long varchar2(100) not null
, plant_alias varchar2(20)
, iso_num number(3) not null
references scpm.iso_country (iso_num)
on delete cascade
, plant_type_id number(4) not null
references scpm.master_plant_type (plant_type_id)
on delete cascade
, plant_status varchar2(10) not null
, sort_key number(4) not null
, updt_user varchar2(10) not null
, updt_time date not null
, constraint mplant_pk primary key (plant_id)
using index pctfree 5 initrans 4
tablespace indx storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
, constraint mplant_desc_u unique (plant_desc)
using index pctfree 5 initrans 4
tablespace indx storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
, constraint mplant_long_u unique (plant_long)
using index pctfree 5 initrans 4
tablespace indx storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
, constraint mplant_sort_u unique (sort_key)
using index pctfree 5 initrans 4
tablespace indx storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
pctfree 5 pctused 60 initrans 2 maxtrans 255
tablespace usr storage ( initial 32768 next 16384 pctincrease 0)
Any ideas?