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Music on/off advice 1

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Jul 14, 2002
I've never fooled with embedded audio in either my personal or professional ventures, but I have a customer who wants a looped .wav file in his HTML presentation.

I need to know a quick and easy way of turning the .wav off and on from a simple text blurb. I've noticed that most websites who give viewers the option to not have sound simply send them to a relected site with no embedded audio.

Is there not an easier way to do this?

Basically my text in the corner of every page looks like:
Music ON|OFF

Any way to work through this? Your help is much appreciated! Thanks!
This little javascript will insert sound in your page. You can also just use the embed tag. Just make sure you set the attribute "hidden" to false.It will show a control consol so the user can stop the sound.
function play() 
          var sound1 = document.createElement('embed'); 
         setAttribute('src','your Mp3 or wav'); 
         setAttribute('autostart', 'true'); 
         setAttribute('hidden', [COLOR=red]'false'[/color]);
	 setAttribute('loop', '0'); 
<body onload = "play()">Blog
Hope this helps

After reading your post more closely this would bew better.
function play() 
          var sound1 = document.createElement('embed'); 
        setAttribute('autostart', 'true'); 
         setAttribute('hidden', 'false');
	 setAttribute('loop', 'true'); 
	setAttribute('width', '45');
	setAttribute('height', '25');
<body >Blog<br><br>
<a href = "#" onclick = "play()">Music On</a>
then the consoll would allow the user to turn the sound off again.


I can see that it would work incredibly well. I had been hoping that there was some quick HTML fix for it, but the more I investigated the more I knew it would involve Javascript.

What do I have to change to the code to make it work in reverse? [Turn the music off instead of on?]

Thanks so much!


change the body line:
<body [COLOR=red]onload="play()"[/color]>

I'd advise adding in a stop button though - any embedded audio (especially looped audio) almost instantly drives me away from a web page. The first hint of sound makes me look for that X.

<marc> i wonder what will happen if i press this...[ul][li]please tell us if our suggestion has helped[/li][li]need some help? faq581-3339[/li][/ul]
As far as I know the only way to stop the audio is from the control panel or set the loop to false for only one play. That's why you have to have the attribute hidden set to false. The smallest you can make the control panel and still have the stop button visible in IE using Media Player as the application is as below. For different sound player applications and browsers you will have to do tests.
    setAttribute('hidden', 'false');
    setAttribute('width', '45');
    setAttribute('height', '25');
If anyone else knows of a way to stop the playing of the file please help. I've tried;
function play() 
          var sound1 = document.createElement('embed'); 
        setAttribute('autostart', 'true'); 
         setAttribute('hidden', 'false');
	 setAttribute('loop', 'true'); 
	setAttribute('width', '45');
	setAttribute('height', '25');
	setAttribute('id', 'soundA');
function stop()
var soundS = document.getElementById('soundA')
       setAttribute('loop', 'false'); 
<body >Blog<br><br>
<a href = "#" onclick = "play(); ">play</a>
<a href = "#" onclick = "stop(); ">stop</a>
with no luck.

Most of audio-capable embeds support methods play() and stop():

<script language="javascript">
function blah()
{	oSnd = document.getElementById( "test_sound" );
	document.getElementById( "test_control" ).checked? oSnd.play(): oSnd.stop();
<embed src="test.wav" hidden="true" id="test_sound" loop="true" autostart="false">
<input type="checkbox" id="test_control" onclick="blah();">Turn on audio

Another way is to switch src between audio file and "". This should also work for BGSOUND tag (IE4 and higher).
I tried to put the functions into the format Christyih wanted and succeeded using this code.
function playM() 
        var sound1 = document.createElement('embed'); 
      setAttribute('autostart', 'true'); 
        setAttribute('hidden', 'true');
  	 setAttribute('loop', 'true'); 
   	 setAttribute('width', '0');
  	 setAttribute('height', '0');
   	 setAttribute('id', 'soundA');
function stp()
var soundS = document.getElementById('soundA');

//function ply(){
//var strt = document.getElementById('soundA');

<body >Blog<br><br>
<!--<embed src="Test.mp3" hidden="true" id="soundA" loop="true" autostart="false" width = "0" height= "0">-->
<p>Music&nbsp;<a href = "#" onclick = "playM(); ">on</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<a href = "#" onclick = "stp(); ">off</a>
As you can see I also tried using the embed tag in the body of the document. I discarded that method because it took up room in the document no matter that I gave it the attributes width and height of "0" and hidden true. By using createElement and appendChild it didn't take any room. I'm confused, is it because the document is loaded before the appendChild() function is performed ? All help greatly appreciated.

I have no problems w/ EMBED hidden="true" (IE6, firefox). Try with CSS stuff - display: none;.
Note for my example: to turn sound initially on set autostart="true" and checbox to "checked".

glenmac: in function playM() first check if embed already exists. If it does, don't appendChild().

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