I;m having a problem with getting MOH to work on Gateway G450 on a partitioned system, using an external MOH device on an analog blade pack, I have assigned the MOH source as a port on the analog blade, made sure the partition is assigned to Music Source 1,(all partitioned units assigned to Music source 1) I assigned the music source analog port on Music Source form on positon 1...I used an 105 adapter , have varied the volume on the 105 adapter...all to no avail...I have tested the music on hold with outside and inside calls, no music comes in, also have tested by programming a vector, with step to wait x seconds while playing music...assigning a VDN and dialing it....all silent... what might I be missing?...some say I may need a Musak adapter to tone down the music...but not sure that is the answer...can anyone confirm if I'm missing a step somewhere? or possible solution.