I'm wrote a program in version 1.5 then packaged it into a JAR. All is well. The program works great!
That is, until I tried to take the program to one of my user's computer who has JRE1.4 installed. On his computer the same program produces a "Could not find main class. Program will exit." error.
I'm assuming this is because of the difference in the java versions. If so, how do I create a backwards compatible JAR? The program is not all that complex, it simply reads a couple files, and copies a file if necessary, so I don't think I'm using anything new from 1.5.
Any help is appreciated.
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
-- Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)
I'm wrote a program in version 1.5 then packaged it into a JAR. All is well. The program works great!
That is, until I tried to take the program to one of my user's computer who has JRE1.4 installed. On his computer the same program produces a "Could not find main class. Program will exit." error.
I'm assuming this is because of the difference in the java versions. If so, how do I create a backwards compatible JAR? The program is not all that complex, it simply reads a couple files, and copies a file if necessary, so I don't think I'm using anything new from 1.5.
Any help is appreciated.
"God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh."
-- Francois Marie Arouet (Voltaire)