I have an applet that I have been working on to send Outlook reminders to my pager via email. What I want to do is have a timer run in the background after a reminder pops up, and when that timer expires, the VBA code will check to see if the reminder is still up. I have the code now to check the reminder to see if its IsVisible property is still true. What I need is a method or way of running the timer in the background while I continue using Outlook. Regular VBA code seems to halt execution of Outlook while it is processing. Is it possible to run VBA code concurrently while the app is being run? Or would I have to create a DLL that would take a timing parameter and an event parameter, start a timer, and when the time expires, raise the event back to Outlook (this is the only solution I can come up with, and it seems extremely tough - I have no idea how to raise an event inside Outlook from a DLL, so this may become the next question I post...).
Gilbert Moore
Gilbert Moore