Has anyone ever configured one of these devices? if so, can you help me out with what config settings you had to configure on the multitech? Im trying to get mine to work but something is up with it. I can call it but I dont have audio either way. When I try to place a call from the device I get a fast busy signal. I have captured some of the error messages to see if anyone might have a clue about this.
My SIP device - ext 1250
BOOT:SDRAM initialised to 16MB base
FLASH CODE : 74313
Boot Version: 1.07
Boot Date and Time: Jun 28 2004 14:50:44
Flash Type : AMD
Boot:Clock Speed is 50MHz.
*********VOIP HwdModel ID Port Bits ********
PORT A-Pin10=ID0= 1
PORT A-Pin11=ID1= 0
PORT C-Pin12=ID2= 1
PORT C-Pin14=ID3= 1
PORT C-Pin15=ID4= 0
PORT A-Pin 2= DPSW3(OPEN)= 1
PORT A-Pin 3= DPSW4(OPEN)= 1
PORT A-Pin 5= 1
PORT A-Pin 6= 0
PORT A-Pin 7= 1
PORT A-Pin 8= 1
PORT A-Pin 9= 1
PORT A-Pin 13= 1
PORT A-Pin 14= 1
PORT A-Pin 15= 1
Backing Up the Configuration Sector
No difference in backup and configuration.
Type 'd' to download @ 19200 (Setup or Code).
Type 'h' to download @ 115200 (Setup or Code).
Expanding the Code
[000000040] Region 18515c8 fb8[000000040] SIP 1852a10 12e[000000040] STUN 1852cd8 10e[000000040] CID 1852df0 362
CODE DATE : Jan 29 2008 17:17:30
[000000045] MAIN : HEAP AVAILABLE 7973888 0079ac00
[000000045] cnf_version-1110000
[000000050] Region 18544d8 fb8[000000050] SIP 1855920 12e[000000050] STUN 1855be8 10e[000000050] CID 1855d00 362
[000000050] IP Address : c0a8038f
[000000050] *********VOIP HwdModel ID Port Bits ********
[000000050] **********#######********
[000000050] PORT A-pin10=ID0 = 1
[000000055] PORT A-pin11=ID1 = 0
[000000065] PORT C-pin12=ID2 = 1
[000000070] PORT C-pin14=ID3 = 1
[000000080] PORT C-pin15=ID4 = 0
[000000085] PORT A-pin1=DPSW2 = 0(CLOSED)
[000000090] PORT A-pin2=DPSW3 = 1(OPEN)
[000000100] PORT A-pin3=DPSW4 = 1(OPEN)
[000000105] PORT A-pin5 = 1
[000000115] PORT A-pin6 = 0
[000000120] PORT A-pin7 = 1
[000000125] PORT A-pin8 = 1
[000000135] PORT A-pin9 = 1
[000000140] PORT A-pin13 = 1
[000000150] PORT A-pin14 = 1
[000000155] PORT A-pin15 = 1
[000000155] **********#######********
[000000155] Rd_hwd_model():VOIP Hwdmodel number is = 0xb3bf
[000000155] VPKTIF: SET DSP: hwModelIndex Model_61 STModel 0 PA8bit 1 PA13bit 1 Id2ToId4Value 6
[000000155] VPKTIF: DSP Type [0]: 48301 ; [1] 0 ; [2] 0 ; [3] 0 ; [4] 0 ; [5] 0 ;
[000000165] ****** Hardware Model is MVP130-FXS-Rev A+ (model_61) *******
[000000165] DSP Device Type[0]: is AC48301.
[000000165] NGAV: Detected Model MVP130-FXS-Rev A+ (model_61) - [1] Channels
[000000295] IFM Processor[0]: ATMEL 8253
[000002580] IFM SPI Register [0b70] - c7,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
[000002580] IFM SPI Register [1b70] - 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
[000002580] IFM SPI Register [0f70] - 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
[000002580] IFM SPI Register [1f70] - 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
[000002585] Number Of AC Devices = 1, noOfChannelsGbl - 1
[000002585] VPKT : pcm law MuLaw
[000005130] VOICEPCK:AC48xx Boot Kernel Version is 3.12 dated 1/23/2005
[000005130] VOICEPCK:AC48xx Program Version is 3.12 dated 10/3/2006
[000005130] VOICEPCK:AC48xx Program Name is 301ce3
[000005260] VOICEPAC: Initialized AC4810X DSP - 0
[000005260] Setting Time Slot [5] for DSP [1]
[000005260] VOIPAPP : VoicePacketizer Stack initialized
[000005335] Ethernet Transceiver- KS8993M
[000005375] PSTNIF: pstn CAS Poll task started
[000005375] PSTNIF: pstn CAS Timer task started
[000005380] LOG: Log Task Created.
[000005380] DHCP: Renewal Time 302405
[000005380] DHCP: Rebind Time 529205
[000005385] DHCP: Expiry Time 604805
[000005385] IP Address :
[000005385] IP Mask :
[000005385] Gateway :
[000005385] Dns server:
[000005385] ***********************************************
[000005385] DNS Client initialized
[000005385] Initialized the RTXCnet Stack
[000005385] CFGMGR: Timer task started
[000005405] HTTP intialized
[000005405] STUNIF: Type[0] enNat[0]
[000005405] STUNIF: STUN configuration disabled
[000005410] Creating Logs Partition successful
[000005410] Size of H323_PARAMETERS : 159 bytes
[000005460] H323IF: Setting Call Signaling Port 1720 for Main Instance
[000005460] H323 SetRegAlias: Delete [RAS.registrationInfo.terminalType.gateway.protocol.1.voice.supportedPrefixes.1] Failed
[000005530] H323: Modified Main Instance Configuration Successfully
[000006715] H323: Main Stack Instance Initialized - 26053660
[000006850] H450: SSE stack initialization success!!!
[000007285] CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1, State - 1
[000007285] MAIN : HEAP AVAILABLE 5357568 0051c000
[000007285] SipEvCheckForConsultationCall Call back not registered
[000007285] SIP : Ip address entered for Primary proxy -
[000007285] SIP
roxy Ip address set in stack configuration
[000007285] SIP :Initialized Successfully......
[000007290] InitializeInitialSockets: Local ADdr = a000056, local port = 5060
[000007295] TRANSPORT: udp Socket descriptor for SIP signaling is = 21371714
[000007295] SIP: STUN Opened sock id for SIP UDP Server socket is = 21371714
[000007295] SIP-STACK: Sockets Initialized Successfully
[000007295] SIP : Adding entry for registration 1250...
[000007300] SPPAPI: Registar Mode: 0
[000007300] SPPIF:SPP Initialized Successfully
[000007300] VFS Initialized
[000007305] Got listening socket
[000007305] RADIUS : Accounting is not enabled
[000007310] MAIN : HEAP AVAILABLE 4959232 004bac00
[000007310] CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 0, 0, 0, 0,Pstn State:[1]
[000007315] SIP : Primary Proxy Ip address entered
[000007315] SIP : Registering 1250 .....
[000007335] PassThrough[0]: Autocall not enabled
[000007335] FTP server: Initialized
[000007335] BillingServer task: Created
[000007355] CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1,Pstn State:[1]
[000007410] ********** VERSION INFORMATION **********
[000007410] IP Address :
[000007410] MAC Address : 000800518c01
[000007410] Boot Version :1.07
[000007410] Firmware Version :1.11.0L
[000007410] Configuration Version :
[000007410] PDD Version :4.04
[000007410] IFM Version :15
[000007410] *****************************************
[000007500] SIP : 1250 Registered With SIP Proxy : Port:5060....
[000014035] CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1,Pstn State:[1]
[000014085] CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1, State - 1
[000014085] PSTN[0]: cas seizure detected
[000014185] Play Normal Dial Tone :0 ,0
[000020185] PSTNIF[0]:call detected num=3779*
[000020185] Any Number Record Found - 3779, No Of records - 1 !!!
[000020185] NGAV :Sending User Info NGAVFXS on 0
[000020185] SIP
ddRecord Available: num: 3779, dialOut: 3779
[000020185] SIP[0]: Src Addr - NAME:"MultiVoIP" TEL:1250 TA: PORT:5060 TT:UDP Dest Addr - TEL:3779 TA: PORT:5060 TT:UDP
[000020260] SIP:Stack handle for the first call - 28129396
[000020260] SIP[0]:Opening RTP channels for outgoing Call
[000020265] RTPIF[0]: FRF11 Faxing Enabled
[000020265] RTPIF[0]:Resetting rxchInfo rtp SeqNum
[000020320] SIP[0] : Terminating Session , Not Found
[000020320] PSTNIF[0 31]: pstnDisconnect!!!
[000020320] PSTNIF[0]: disconnecting call, ConnId = 255, Cause - 31
[000020340] SIP[0] : SESSION STATE IDLE
[000020340] ResetFaxinviteflag
[000020340] T38IF[0]: closing the unopened socket
[000020340] SIP[0]: PSTN State = 6
[000027645] CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1,Pstn State:[21]
[000027935] CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1, State - 1
[000027935] PSTN[0]: pstn call released,ConnId = 255 cause code:16
[000027940] PassThrough[0]: Autocall not enabled
My SIP device - ext 1250
BOOT:SDRAM initialised to 16MB base
FLASH CODE : 74313
Boot Version: 1.07
Boot Date and Time: Jun 28 2004 14:50:44
Flash Type : AMD
Boot:Clock Speed is 50MHz.
*********VOIP HwdModel ID Port Bits ********
PORT A-Pin10=ID0= 1
PORT A-Pin11=ID1= 0
PORT C-Pin12=ID2= 1
PORT C-Pin14=ID3= 1
PORT C-Pin15=ID4= 0
PORT A-Pin 2= DPSW3(OPEN)= 1
PORT A-Pin 3= DPSW4(OPEN)= 1
PORT A-Pin 5= 1
PORT A-Pin 6= 0
PORT A-Pin 7= 1
PORT A-Pin 8= 1
PORT A-Pin 9= 1
PORT A-Pin 13= 1
PORT A-Pin 14= 1
PORT A-Pin 15= 1
Backing Up the Configuration Sector
No difference in backup and configuration.
Type 'd' to download @ 19200 (Setup or Code).
Type 'h' to download @ 115200 (Setup or Code).
Expanding the Code
[000000040] Region 18515c8 fb8[000000040] SIP 1852a10 12e[000000040] STUN 1852cd8 10e[000000040] CID 1852df0 362
CODE DATE : Jan 29 2008 17:17:30
[000000045] MAIN : HEAP AVAILABLE 7973888 0079ac00
[000000045] cnf_version-1110000
[000000050] Region 18544d8 fb8[000000050] SIP 1855920 12e[000000050] STUN 1855be8 10e[000000050] CID 1855d00 362
[000000050] IP Address : c0a8038f
[000000050] *********VOIP HwdModel ID Port Bits ********
[000000050] **********#######********
[000000050] PORT A-pin10=ID0 = 1
[000000055] PORT A-pin11=ID1 = 0
[000000065] PORT C-pin12=ID2 = 1
[000000070] PORT C-pin14=ID3 = 1
[000000080] PORT C-pin15=ID4 = 0
[000000085] PORT A-pin1=DPSW2 = 0(CLOSED)
[000000090] PORT A-pin2=DPSW3 = 1(OPEN)
[000000100] PORT A-pin3=DPSW4 = 1(OPEN)
[000000105] PORT A-pin5 = 1
[000000115] PORT A-pin6 = 0
[000000120] PORT A-pin7 = 1
[000000125] PORT A-pin8 = 1
[000000135] PORT A-pin9 = 1
[000000140] PORT A-pin13 = 1
[000000150] PORT A-pin14 = 1
[000000155] PORT A-pin15 = 1
[000000155] **********#######********
[000000155] Rd_hwd_model():VOIP Hwdmodel number is = 0xb3bf
[000000155] VPKTIF: SET DSP: hwModelIndex Model_61 STModel 0 PA8bit 1 PA13bit 1 Id2ToId4Value 6
[000000155] VPKTIF: DSP Type [0]: 48301 ; [1] 0 ; [2] 0 ; [3] 0 ; [4] 0 ; [5] 0 ;
[000000165] ****** Hardware Model is MVP130-FXS-Rev A+ (model_61) *******
[000000165] DSP Device Type[0]: is AC48301.
[000000165] NGAV: Detected Model MVP130-FXS-Rev A+ (model_61) - [1] Channels
[000000295] IFM Processor[0]: ATMEL 8253
[000002580] IFM SPI Register [0b70] - c7,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
[000002580] IFM SPI Register [1b70] - 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
[000002580] IFM SPI Register [0f70] - 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
[000002580] IFM SPI Register [1f70] - 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00
[000002585] Number Of AC Devices = 1, noOfChannelsGbl - 1
[000002585] VPKT : pcm law MuLaw
[000005130] VOICEPCK:AC48xx Boot Kernel Version is 3.12 dated 1/23/2005
[000005130] VOICEPCK:AC48xx Program Version is 3.12 dated 10/3/2006
[000005130] VOICEPCK:AC48xx Program Name is 301ce3
[000005260] VOICEPAC: Initialized AC4810X DSP - 0
[000005260] Setting Time Slot [5] for DSP [1]
[000005260] VOIPAPP : VoicePacketizer Stack initialized
[000005335] Ethernet Transceiver- KS8993M
[000005375] PSTNIF: pstn CAS Poll task started
[000005375] PSTNIF: pstn CAS Timer task started
[000005380] LOG: Log Task Created.
[000005380] DHCP: Renewal Time 302405
[000005380] DHCP: Rebind Time 529205
[000005385] DHCP: Expiry Time 604805
[000005385] IP Address :
[000005385] IP Mask :
[000005385] Gateway :
[000005385] Dns server:
[000005385] ***********************************************
[000005385] DNS Client initialized
[000005385] Initialized the RTXCnet Stack
[000005385] CFGMGR: Timer task started
[000005405] HTTP intialized
[000005405] STUNIF: Type[0] enNat[0]
[000005405] STUNIF: STUN configuration disabled
[000005410] Creating Logs Partition successful
[000005410] Size of H323_PARAMETERS : 159 bytes
[000005460] H323IF: Setting Call Signaling Port 1720 for Main Instance
[000005460] H323 SetRegAlias: Delete [RAS.registrationInfo.terminalType.gateway.protocol.1.voice.supportedPrefixes.1] Failed
[000005530] H323: Modified Main Instance Configuration Successfully
[000006715] H323: Main Stack Instance Initialized - 26053660
[000006850] H450: SSE stack initialization success!!!
[000007285] CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1, State - 1
[000007285] MAIN : HEAP AVAILABLE 5357568 0051c000
[000007285] SipEvCheckForConsultationCall Call back not registered
[000007285] SIP : Ip address entered for Primary proxy -
[000007285] SIP
[000007285] SIP :Initialized Successfully......
[000007290] InitializeInitialSockets: Local ADdr = a000056, local port = 5060
[000007295] TRANSPORT: udp Socket descriptor for SIP signaling is = 21371714
[000007295] SIP: STUN Opened sock id for SIP UDP Server socket is = 21371714
[000007295] SIP-STACK: Sockets Initialized Successfully
[000007295] SIP : Adding entry for registration 1250...
[000007300] SPPAPI: Registar Mode: 0
[000007300] SPPIF:SPP Initialized Successfully
[000007300] VFS Initialized
[000007305] Got listening socket
[000007305] RADIUS : Accounting is not enabled
[000007310] MAIN : HEAP AVAILABLE 4959232 004bac00
[000007310] CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 0, 0, 0, 0,Pstn State:[1]
[000007315] SIP : Primary Proxy Ip address entered
[000007315] SIP : Registering 1250 .....
[000007335] PassThrough[0]: Autocall not enabled
[000007335] FTP server: Initialized
[000007335] BillingServer task: Created
[000007355] CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1,Pstn State:[1]
[000007410] ********** VERSION INFORMATION **********
[000007410] IP Address :
[000007410] MAC Address : 000800518c01
[000007410] Boot Version :1.07
[000007410] Firmware Version :1.11.0L
[000007410] Configuration Version :
[000007410] PDD Version :4.04
[000007410] IFM Version :15
[000007410] *****************************************
[000007500] SIP : 1250 Registered With SIP Proxy : Port:5060....
[000014035] CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 1, 1, 1, 1,Pstn State:[1]
[000014085] CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1, State - 1
[000014085] PSTN[0]: cas seizure detected
[000014185] Play Normal Dial Tone :0 ,0
[000020185] PSTNIF[0]:call detected num=3779*
[000020185] Any Number Record Found - 3779, No Of records - 1 !!!
[000020185] NGAV :Sending User Info NGAVFXS on 0
[000020185] SIP
[000020185] SIP[0]: Src Addr - NAME:"MultiVoIP" TEL:1250 TA: PORT:5060 TT:UDP Dest Addr - TEL:3779 TA: PORT:5060 TT:UDP
[000020260] SIP:Stack handle for the first call - 28129396
[000020260] SIP[0]:Opening RTP channels for outgoing Call
[000020265] RTPIF[0]: FRF11 Faxing Enabled
[000020265] RTPIF[0]:Resetting rxchInfo rtp SeqNum
[000020320] SIP[0] : Terminating Session , Not Found
[000020320] PSTNIF[0 31]: pstnDisconnect!!!
[000020320] PSTNIF[0]: disconnecting call, ConnId = 255, Cause - 31
[000020340] SIP[0] : SESSION STATE IDLE
[000020340] ResetFaxinviteflag
[000020340] T38IF[0]: closing the unopened socket
[000020340] SIP[0]: PSTN State = 6
[000027645] CAS[0] : RX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1,Pstn State:[21]
[000027935] CAS[0] : TX : ABCD = 0, 1, 0, 1, State - 1
[000027935] PSTN[0]: pstn call released,ConnId = 255 cause code:16
[000027940] PassThrough[0]: Autocall not enabled