Can anyone help me,
i have a select box which i want users to be able to select more tha one thing from the list.
can anyone show me how?
i am using asp to generate the list from a database.
<select MULTIPLE name="LearnOut" size="8" style="font-family: Arial">
<option><<Select Learning Outcomes>></option>
<% Do While Not rslearnout.EOF %>
<option value="<% = rslearnout("learnout_id"%>">
<% = rslearnout("Learning_outcome" %>
<% rslearnout.movenext %>
<% loop %>
i have a select box which i want users to be able to select more tha one thing from the list.
can anyone show me how?
i am using asp to generate the list from a database.
<select MULTIPLE name="LearnOut" size="8" style="font-family: Arial">
<option><<Select Learning Outcomes>></option>
<% Do While Not rslearnout.EOF %>
<option value="<% = rslearnout("learnout_id"%>">
<% = rslearnout("Learning_outcome" %>
<% rslearnout.movenext %>
<% loop %>