We have a vehicle report that lists what employees are in the truck at any given time. However, each employee's ID number lists in on one row for the same vehicle. Is there a way to get the values multiple employees within a vehicle on just one row? Here's some info so you can get a picture.
Vehicle Table
UnitID ScheduleID
Truck01 477
Truck02 481
Truck03 483
Personnel Table
ID EmployeeID Name
1 A1 Jack
2 A2 Jeff
3 A3 Jerry
4 A7 Dan
5 A9 Abe
scheduleID EmployeeRecordID
477 1
477 2
477 3
481 4
483 5
SELECT Vehicle.UnitID, Personnel.EmployeeID
FROM (Vehicle LEFT JOIN PersonnelSchedule ON Vehicle.ScheduleID = PersonnelSchedule.ScheduleID) LEFT JOIN Personnel ON PersonnelSchedule.EmployeeRecordID = Personnel.ID;
Undesired Results (Current Report)
UnitID EmployeeID About 7 other fields
Truck01 A1 '''''''
Truck01 A2 '''''''
Truck01 A3 '''''''
Truck02 A7 '''''''
Truck03 A9 '''''''
Desired Results (Current Report)
UnitID EmployeeID About 7 other fields
Truck01 A1 A2 A3 '''''''
Truck02 A7 '''''''
Truck03 A9 '''''''
This report really involves about 7 tables, but I tried to simplify it into just 3 tables. I have these test tables and query in an Access 2k DB if needed. TIA
Vehicle Table
UnitID ScheduleID
Truck01 477
Truck02 481
Truck03 483
Personnel Table
ID EmployeeID Name
1 A1 Jack
2 A2 Jeff
3 A3 Jerry
4 A7 Dan
5 A9 Abe
scheduleID EmployeeRecordID
477 1
477 2
477 3
481 4
483 5
SELECT Vehicle.UnitID, Personnel.EmployeeID
FROM (Vehicle LEFT JOIN PersonnelSchedule ON Vehicle.ScheduleID = PersonnelSchedule.ScheduleID) LEFT JOIN Personnel ON PersonnelSchedule.EmployeeRecordID = Personnel.ID;
Undesired Results (Current Report)
UnitID EmployeeID About 7 other fields
Truck01 A1 '''''''
Truck01 A2 '''''''
Truck01 A3 '''''''
Truck02 A7 '''''''
Truck03 A9 '''''''
Desired Results (Current Report)
UnitID EmployeeID About 7 other fields
Truck01 A1 A2 A3 '''''''
Truck02 A7 '''''''
Truck03 A9 '''''''
This report really involves about 7 tables, but I tried to simplify it into just 3 tables. I have these test tables and query in an Access 2k DB if needed. TIA