I am intending to have a backend database updated with new records by individual databases for each user. I am using the abbreviated code below to add a new record.
Is there a more efficient way to add records and prevent two users from being on the same record than using the select * statement? I know I could use a where statement, but thought there may be an even better way to prevent any chance of error.
Addtransaction.Open "Select * from TaskTable", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Addtransaction!User_ID = SystemID
Thank you
Is there a more efficient way to add records and prevent two users from being on the same record than using the select * statement? I know I could use a where statement, but thought there may be an even better way to prevent any chance of error.
Addtransaction.Open "Select * from TaskTable", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
Addtransaction!User_ID = SystemID
Thank you