OK, I've been grappling with this for a while and now I give up.
I have a long list of 'products' on a page with various fields associated with each product. This is laid out in a tabular format, one product per line.
Two of the columns in this table are 'active' and 'stock'. Active defines if the product is active on the customer facing side and stock defines whether the product is in stock (I'm not getting into the debate about whether a product should be shown if it is active and not in stock... I know, I know!).
But basically I want to have this page of products to update the DB only for these two checkboxes.
So if I tick the 'active' box for a certain product and perhaps update the 'stock' box for another product, then select 'Submit' at the bottom of the page, I only want these products updated with their new values.
You help will be much appreciated.