I am stuck on a problem and can't quite find the answer.
I have a database that consists of a main form and multiple subforms.
ClientViewer = mainform
sfViwer = subform
sfPlView = subform
sfHeaders = subform
sfRevenue = subform
sfCost = subform
The database opens the mainform which consists of the sfviewer. Sfviewer's sourceobject is set to sfplview which is another subform that contains subforms sfheaders, sfrevenue, sfcost, etc.
What I need to do is determine how many columns (unbound text boxes) are displayed on the subforms sfheaders, sfrevenue, sfcost, etc based on information queried from tables based on a value choosen on the ClientViewer mainform.
I've tried numerous variations of syntax but always get error messages.
Can anyone please help???