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Multiple Sub menus

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Technical User
Apr 5, 2012
Need some help on how to setup this scenario if possible in CCR

I can't tell you how many times we get calls from truckers asking for directions to either our store or to our warehouse when they get into town. We would love to make the first choice in the home menu to allow them to choose and go to a series of sub menus to get this info.

Here's the plan.

On the main home menu. The first choice is:
for directions to store or warehouse press 1

for directions to store press 1
for directions to warehouse press 2

They choose 1

Another MENU.
If you are coming from the north Press 1
from the south press 2
from the west press 3
from the east press 4
from a parachute dial the local utilities first. just kidding

They choose 2

that path will then play a info recording on instructions then disconnect or possibly have the choice to repeat this chioce as well.

I would need those 4 choice for those directions also for the warehouse choice press 2 if chosen from back at the beginning

I can't figure how to do this. It would be easier if I could get a path to another tree say tree 2. but can't figure that one out.

I would appreciate anyone's help on how to achieve this, if possible

Thank you, Jay
You did not mention what voice mail system or the version.

Create sub path's deeper!

On the main home menu. The first choice is:
for directions to store or warehouse press 1

for directions to store press 1
for directions to warehouse press 2

Another MENU when 1 pressed (store).
If you are coming from the north Press 1 (is path 11 INFO HOME in programming)
from the south press 2 (is path 12 INFO HOME in programming)
from the west press 3 (is path 13 INFO HOME in programming)
from the east press 4 (is path 14 in programming)

Another MENU when 2 pressed (warehouse).
If you are coming from the north Press 1 (is path 21 INFO HOME in programming)
from the south press 2 (is path 22 INFO HOME in programming)
from the west press 3 (is path 23 INFO HOME in programming)
from the east press 4 (is path 24 INFO HOME in programming)

Thank you for your prompt reply.
The system is mics 6.1 with Startalk Flash 4 Ver 2.01

I was hoping that in the main menu of all the choices, I could keep just the one (1) choice for the two, (I currently have choices 2 thru 8 going to DN's and HG's) then go to the first sub menu of that to give the 1 store and 2 warehouse choices, then go to the next sub menus as you described below. That's where I'm not getting it, or it's not designed to do. I need another menu step between main menu choice after main and before * & **

In other words I need a menu step between them
Sub menu after the main choice of 1 that says (for directions to store or warehouse press 1)
Then they are given the choices:
For directions to store press 1, goes to *
Warehouse press 2, goes to **

*Another MENU when 1 pressed (store).
If you are coming from the north Press 1 (is path 11 INFO HOME in programming)
from the south press 2 (is path 12 INFO HOME in programming)
from the west press 3 (is path 13 INFO HOME in programming)
from the east press 4 (is path 14 in programming)

**Another MENU when 2 pressed (warehouse).
If you are coming from the north Press 1 (is path 21 INFO HOME in programming)
from the south press 2 (is path 22 INFO HOME in programming)
from the west press 3 (is path 23 INFO HOME in programming)
from the east press 4 (is path 24 INFO HOME in programming)

It's probably not going to work the way I'm asking, but just wanted to ask. Thanks,Jay
I apologize for the confusion. the * and ** were references to where they go after the choice.

I think I'm going to work with what you gave me first. Will let you know if all is well.

Thanks Curlycord for your help, Jay
System mics 6.1 with Flash 4 Ver 2.01

I finally got time to get back to programming the directions menu with the instructions you gave and all is working fine. Thank you.

One thing I've been trying to get setup, but not having any success is:

I have the CCR menu running with daytime greeting during the regular business hours 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Mon-Sat. And at 5:01 I have the NON BUS greeting stating they are closed for the day. But the CCR menu still plays after this greeting.

Is there any way to turn off CCR menu (automatically preferred) from say 5:01 PM til 7:29 AM the next business day. And only have 3 DN's ring (i.e. 224, 225 and 228) for so many rings then disconnect during that non business time period?

I'm not setting up any VM at this time. The owner often stays after hours and some calls still come in, and he would prefer to screen these through CLID.

I've set these 3 DN's in 001 ring group, but not having any luck getting them to ring at that time.
Only the CCR menu runs and if no choices are made, it goes to the operator ext

Appreciated any advise,

I really appreciate your help here.

Since I can't turn off the CCR at that time, I decided to setup a Huntgroup 711 that rings those dn's I mentioned and will record instructions at the end of business closed greeting "for after hour personel enter 7-1-1" That will work for them.

Again, thank you and so glad this forum is here,

"I've set these 3 DN's in 001 ring group, but not having any luck getting them to ring at that time.
Only the CCR menu runs and if no choices are made, it goes to the operator ext

Appreciated any advise,"

As I recall the lowest numbered ring groups can often be problematic because of numerous default values elsewhere in programming.

Just for grins you might try pulling those 3 dns and your assigned line (or lines, if any,) back out of group 001 and put them in group 010 (or higher, assuming it's not already in use of course) and see what happens then.

Phonehed in Dallas
Just curious. if you set business open to (N) in F982 for after hours, does the CCR Tree still play or does Business Open (N) override it????

Voice Connect Plus, Inc.
have a great day and a better tomorrow
CCR still plays if business open to (N) in F982. (time set to 5:30PM) I get the night greeting starting at 5:02 pm automatically, but then the CCR kicks in and plays the day ccr. I changed the night greeting to include the "for after hour personel enter 7-1-1" to ring the hunt group dn's and it works. So thats probably what we'll have to live with.
Hey Sydewinder, way around CCR Tree playing at night.

I have the CCR menu running with daytime greeting during the regular business hours 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Mon-Sat. And at 5:01 I have the NON BUS greeting stating they are closed for the day. But the CCR menu still plays after this greeting.

Instead of recording instructions in Path 0, record instructions in Greeting 1
Record original greeting and add
for directions to store press 1
for directions to warehouse press 2
and whatever else you'd want to add
Next disable tree and go to Path 0 and re-record a few seconds of silence then save.
This will make the AA seem as though you have a Path 0 and allow the Tree
Then enable tree

Is there any way to turn off CCR menu (automatically preferred) from say 5:01 PM til 7:29 AM the next business day. And only have 3 DN's ring (i.e. 224, 225 and 228) for so many rings then disconnect during that non business time period?

Greeting 1 will now play during regular hours as previously with instructions and your after hours greeting will play at time selected and your Path 0 will not. As for weekends select Greeting 1 to play early AM's before 8AM Example Morning 12:00 am Afternoon 2:00am Evening 4:00am Non Bus 7:59am

Voice Connect Plus, Inc.
have a great day and a better tomorrow
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