We are formatting payment advice and would like to repeat a group of two columns down and and across the page. The current report looks like this:
Invoice# Amount
12345 50.00
34563 100.00
45869 150.00
23423 200.00
23434 250.00
We would like to format this into two sets or groups of columns to look something like this:
Invoice# Amount Invoice# Amount
12345 50.00 23423 200.00
34563 100.00 23434 250.00
45869 150.00
Using Crystal 9 on SQL Server 2000.
Invoice# Amount
12345 50.00
34563 100.00
45869 150.00
23423 200.00
23434 250.00
We would like to format this into two sets or groups of columns to look something like this:
Invoice# Amount Invoice# Amount
12345 50.00 23423 200.00
34563 100.00 23434 250.00
45869 150.00
Using Crystal 9 on SQL Server 2000.