Hello Everyone,
I've got Crystal Reports 8.5 connected to an Informix Dynamic Server7.3. It'sconnected via an ODBC driver.
I'm making some mailing labels for clients who have not completed our yearly follow up cycle. The followup table (wia_folup) can have up to four records in it, one for each quarter. The field follow up result (wia_folup.folup_type) can have a 1, 2, 3 or 4 identifying the proper quarter.
I tried selecting 'wia_folup.folup_type <> '4' but that's not going to work because I need to know if the;ve missed any.
As always, your help is very appreciated.
I've got Crystal Reports 8.5 connected to an Informix Dynamic Server7.3. It'sconnected via an ODBC driver.
I'm making some mailing labels for clients who have not completed our yearly follow up cycle. The followup table (wia_folup) can have up to four records in it, one for each quarter. The field follow up result (wia_folup.folup_type) can have a 1, 2, 3 or 4 identifying the proper quarter.
I tried selecting 'wia_folup.folup_type <> '4' but that's not going to work because I need to know if the;ve missed any.
As always, your help is very appreciated.