let me give you some background. We sell Cable equipment and each piece of equipment is given a Cat Code. the Cat code is a 4 char. string but we decided to use numbers. the first two numbers are the vendor (ex. 01 = Sony, 30 = Magnavox). The last two numbers are the type of equipment (ie. 10 = TV, 20 = Game Consoles) so a cat code 0120 would bring up all types Game Consoles that Sony Makes. So, I have created a report that prompts for start and end Vendor Cat and start and end Product Cat. I then concatinated the two in to the actual cat code. I would like to make the Record Selection see all (Game Consoles) that all companies make. All I have to do is add 100 to the Cat Code, but I can't figure out how to do this. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
Here is my code if it helps
local stringVar CurrentCat := {?Start Cat};
local NumberVar beer := CDbl (CurrentCat);
local NumberVar Counter := 1;
local NumberVar StartNo := CDbl ({?Start Cat});
local stringVar EndNo := {?End Cat};
local StringVar Array x;
//it calculates only that type of equipment but for all companies.
while CurrentCat < {BKICMSTR.BKIC_PROD_CAT} Do
x [counter] := CurrentCat;
beer := beer + 100;
CurrentCat := CStr (beer);
Counter := Counter + 1;
Here is my code if it helps
local stringVar CurrentCat := {?Start Cat};
local NumberVar beer := CDbl (CurrentCat);
local NumberVar Counter := 1;
local NumberVar StartNo := CDbl ({?Start Cat});
local stringVar EndNo := {?End Cat};
local StringVar Array x;
//it calculates only that type of equipment but for all companies.
while CurrentCat < {BKICMSTR.BKIC_PROD_CAT} Do
x [counter] := CurrentCat;
beer := beer + 100;
CurrentCat := CStr (beer);
Counter := Counter + 1;