When i switched on my monitor this morning (Seti@Home all night), i saw multiple horizontal grey lines going all the width of the screen. I checked the resolutions, changed the refresh rates(from 60 to 100Hz), updated the card drivers(Nvidia, August), restart/shutdown, anit-virused, nothing...
The lines appear at the lines where there are text/colors.
Anybody got a clue?
The card is a Elsa Eraxor 2 (Geforce 2, 32 MB) 2 years old)
When i switched on my monitor this morning (Seti@Home all night), i saw multiple horizontal grey lines going all the width of the screen. I checked the resolutions, changed the refresh rates(from 60 to 100Hz), updated the card drivers(Nvidia, August), restart/shutdown, anit-virused, nothing...
The lines appear at the lines where there are text/colors.
Anybody got a clue?
The card is a Elsa Eraxor 2 (Geforce 2, 32 MB) 2 years old)