I made a database that was working fine. It was only after I had finished the database, and data was being entered, that I was informed that the field I designated as the primary key would not work. Origanally, I used 'OffCit' as the single primary key. Now they tell me that one 'OffCit' can be entered several times for different reasons. To solve this, I thought about using autonumbers but have been told, and seen, that this may not be a good idea. So, I am trying to use multiple primary keys. So far I have had no luck. I have attached a screen shot of the tables and relationships. I have 'OffCit', 'AreaofLaw', and 'EffectiveDate' as the primary keys. The same 'OffCit' and 'AreaofLaw' will be used several times in different records. That is the reason for the third primary key. I am wondering if I have set this up right or if there is something I overlooked. Perhaps someone has an idea that may work better. Thanks for any input.