I have a need to create a report that list the data from one field in all records, then all data from all records for the next field and so on. The table is a capture of responses to a comment/questionnaire with each record comprising all responses for a given respondent.
I have basically accomplished what I need using sub reports with individual queries for each sub report but this is clunky and inelegant especially if I want to expand it to a large number of responses. The inital one uses 4 responses. I am about to format one with 25 responses. Also I want to generalize the approach to create the output on the fly indepentdent of the number or type of promts or responses.
(I have a separate table for prompts in which I also identify the type of response required -- multiple choice or narative comment, etc.)
Originally I had the responses as details to each sheet but that broke down when I had to tie the responses back to the physical site and building where the comment sheet was filled out so I went for a "flatter" structure for now.
In my old dBase days I would have hand-coded a report with multiple passes through the data but I have yet to find a simple way to do that here. The posts for Ymesei and Mrs Chicken seemed to come close but the aha escapes me. Any help would be appreciated
I have basically accomplished what I need using sub reports with individual queries for each sub report but this is clunky and inelegant especially if I want to expand it to a large number of responses. The inital one uses 4 responses. I am about to format one with 25 responses. Also I want to generalize the approach to create the output on the fly indepentdent of the number or type of promts or responses.
(I have a separate table for prompts in which I also identify the type of response required -- multiple choice or narative comment, etc.)
Originally I had the responses as details to each sheet but that broke down when I had to tie the responses back to the physical site and building where the comment sheet was filled out so I went for a "flatter" structure for now.
In my old dBase days I would have hand-coded a report with multiple passes through the data but I have yet to find a simple way to do that here. The posts for Ymesei and Mrs Chicken seemed to come close but the aha escapes me. Any help would be appreciated