I would like to update the Legato labelling of tapes on our site. Currently we use NDMP with Nettapp filers. This works great, but there is a glitch where the index files generated need to be saved on the backup server rather than the NDMP machine, in order that the browe/retention works correctly. To save both indexes and files to a single pool, but have tapes mounted on the NDMP machine and the backup server. Currently we use a template to manage the labelling of tapes, but need to create the labels for the indexs manually, as it appears that you cannot assign multiple templates to a single pool. Is there any workaround to this ?
I have using Networker 6.1.1, shortly about to upgrade to rid ourselves of the NDMP restriction on amount of files that can be restored..
I have using Networker 6.1.1, shortly about to upgrade to rid ourselves of the NDMP restriction on amount of files that can be restored..