Here is the problem which needs a resolution and any help would be greatly appreciated.
MQClient piece in my application is creating multiple instances on our Windows NT 4.0 Automation Server. It is creating an instance of the client executable for each message it is processing.(These messages are coming from our Integration Server which is again Windows NT 4.0).
Everything was working fine till about a month ago and this problem has come up suddenly. There has been no code change
on the MQ Client Piece. I am attaching the code piece along
with the mail.
Please help me if possible!!!!
Option Explicit
Private Const QManagerName = "" 'default
Private Const QueueName = "ACS.U.TTS.NTASYNCTRANS.A0203"
Private mFileName As String
'API to alter the processes return code
Private Declare Sub ExitProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal uExitCode As Long)
'Extracts the value of the named argument. If there isn't a
' value (or the argument is not found) it returns EMPTY. Does
' not handle special characters.
Private Function Extract(ArgName As String, Message As String) As Variant
Dim p1 As Integer
Dim p2 As Integer
p1 = VBA.InStr(UCase$(Message), UCase$(ArgName) & "="
If p1 > 0 Then
p1 = p1 + Len(ArgName) + 1
p2 = VBA.InStr(p1, Message, "&"
If p1 = p2 Then
'return Empty
ElseIf p2 > 0 Then
Extract = VBA.Mid$(Message, p1, p2 - p1)
Extract = VBA.Mid$(Message, p1)
End If
End If
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim MQSess As MQAX200.MQSession ' session object
Dim QMgr As MQAX200.MQQueueManager ' queue manager object
Dim Mqueue As MQAX200.MQQueue ' queue object
Dim GetMsg As MQAX200.MQMessage ' message object for get
Dim GetOptions As MQAX200.MQGetMessageOptions ' put message options
Dim Message As String
Dim LogMsg As String
Dim TaskID As Long
Dim UserID As String
Dim ItemUID As String
Dim ComponentName As String
Dim Action As String
Dim doi As W0060901.IUnitOfWorkService
Dim eoi As W0060903.IExternalLogic
Dim NewItem As W0060903.IUnitOfWork
Dim rc As W0060938.ServiceErrCodes
Dim ErrorMsg As String
Dim NoMoreMessages As Boolean
Dim EventType As LogEventTypeConstants
On Error GoTo Abort
mFileName = App.Path & "\" & Format$(Now, "mmdd-hhNNss" & "-" & Right$(Format$(Timer - Int(Timer), ".0000", 4) & ".log"
'Create the MQSession object and access the MQQueueManager and (local) MQQueue
Set MQSess = New MQSession
Set QMgr = MQSess.AccessQueueManager(QManagerName)
Set Mqueue = QMgr.AccessQueue( _
QueueName, _
If Not Mqueue.IsOpen Then
End If
Set GetMsg = MQSess.AccessMessage()
Set GetOptions = MQSess.AccessGetMessageOptions()
GetOptions.Options = GetOptions.Options Or MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING _
Mqueue.Get GetMsg, GetOptions
'extract the message content
Message = GetMsg.MessageData
LogMsg = "Received message: " & Message & vbNewLine
TaskID = VBA.CLng(Extract("TaskID", Message))
UserID = Extract("UserID", Message)
ItemUID = Extract("ItemUID", Message)
ComponentName = Extract("ComponentName", Message)
Action = Extract("Action", Message)
'check what action to take
EventType = vbLogEventTypeInformation
ErrorMsg = ""
If LCase$(Action) = "markincomplete" Then
'use the data object to mark the automated task incomplete
Set doi = CreateObject("W0060902.CUnitOfWorkService"
rc = doi.MarkIncomplete(ErrorMsg, TaskID, ItemUID, "System", "Automation rule: the triggering task was marked incomplete."
If rc = 0 Then
LogMsg = LogMsg & "Task was marked incomplete."
LogMsg = LogMsg & "ErrorMsg: " & ErrorMsg
End If
Set doi = Nothing
'create the component
If ComponentName = "" Then
Set eoi = CreateObject("W0060904.CUnitOfWork"
Set eoi = CreateObject(ComponentName)
End If
'execute the external logic, logging any problems which occur
rc = eoi.Execute(UserID, TaskID, ItemUID, ErrorMsg)
If rc = 0 Then
LogMsg = LogMsg & "Automation completed successfully."
If Len(ErrorMsg) > 0 Then
LogMsg = LogMsg & vbNewLine & ErrorMsg
End If
EventType = vbLogEventTypeWarning
LogMsg = LogMsg & _
vbNewLine & "Component: " & ComponentName & _
vbNewLine & " Error: " & ErrorMsg & _
vbNewLine & " Code: " & rc
End If
Set eoi = Nothing
End If
App.LogEvent LogMsg, EventType
Loop Until NoMoreMessages
rc = 0
'close the queue
If Mqueue Is Nothing Then
If Mqueue.IsOpen Then
'Code added by Sumeet for disconnecting the Que
End If
End If
'terminate the objects
Set MQSess = Nothing
Set QMgr = Nothing
Set Mqueue = Nothing
Set GetMsg = Nothing
Set GetOptions = Nothing
'return the exit code
If NoMoreMessages Then
ExitProcess rc
End If
Exit Sub
If Mqueue Is Nothing Then
'check to see if we ran out of messages
If Mqueue.ReasonCode = MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE Then
NoMoreMessages = True
Resume Done
End If
End If
rc = Err.Number
ErrorMsg = Err.Description
If rc = 429 Then
'could not create the component specified
ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & " '" & ComponentName & "'"
End If
App.LogEvent _
vbNewLine & "Client process for '" & QueueName & "' ended unexpectedly." & _
vbNewLine & " Error: " & ErrorMsg & _
vbNewLine & " Code: " & rc, vbLogEventTypeError
Resume Done
End Sub
Here is the problem which needs a resolution and any help would be greatly appreciated.
MQClient piece in my application is creating multiple instances on our Windows NT 4.0 Automation Server. It is creating an instance of the client executable for each message it is processing.(These messages are coming from our Integration Server which is again Windows NT 4.0).
Everything was working fine till about a month ago and this problem has come up suddenly. There has been no code change
on the MQ Client Piece. I am attaching the code piece along
with the mail.
Please help me if possible!!!!
Option Explicit
Private Const QManagerName = "" 'default
Private Const QueueName = "ACS.U.TTS.NTASYNCTRANS.A0203"
Private mFileName As String
'API to alter the processes return code
Private Declare Sub ExitProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal uExitCode As Long)
'Extracts the value of the named argument. If there isn't a
' value (or the argument is not found) it returns EMPTY. Does
' not handle special characters.
Private Function Extract(ArgName As String, Message As String) As Variant
Dim p1 As Integer
Dim p2 As Integer
p1 = VBA.InStr(UCase$(Message), UCase$(ArgName) & "="
If p1 > 0 Then
p1 = p1 + Len(ArgName) + 1
p2 = VBA.InStr(p1, Message, "&"
If p1 = p2 Then
'return Empty
ElseIf p2 > 0 Then
Extract = VBA.Mid$(Message, p1, p2 - p1)
Extract = VBA.Mid$(Message, p1)
End If
End If
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim MQSess As MQAX200.MQSession ' session object
Dim QMgr As MQAX200.MQQueueManager ' queue manager object
Dim Mqueue As MQAX200.MQQueue ' queue object
Dim GetMsg As MQAX200.MQMessage ' message object for get
Dim GetOptions As MQAX200.MQGetMessageOptions ' put message options
Dim Message As String
Dim LogMsg As String
Dim TaskID As Long
Dim UserID As String
Dim ItemUID As String
Dim ComponentName As String
Dim Action As String
Dim doi As W0060901.IUnitOfWorkService
Dim eoi As W0060903.IExternalLogic
Dim NewItem As W0060903.IUnitOfWork
Dim rc As W0060938.ServiceErrCodes
Dim ErrorMsg As String
Dim NoMoreMessages As Boolean
Dim EventType As LogEventTypeConstants
On Error GoTo Abort
mFileName = App.Path & "\" & Format$(Now, "mmdd-hhNNss" & "-" & Right$(Format$(Timer - Int(Timer), ".0000", 4) & ".log"
'Create the MQSession object and access the MQQueueManager and (local) MQQueue
Set MQSess = New MQSession
Set QMgr = MQSess.AccessQueueManager(QManagerName)
Set Mqueue = QMgr.AccessQueue( _
QueueName, _
If Not Mqueue.IsOpen Then
End If
Set GetMsg = MQSess.AccessMessage()
Set GetOptions = MQSess.AccessGetMessageOptions()
GetOptions.Options = GetOptions.Options Or MQGMO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING _
Mqueue.Get GetMsg, GetOptions
'extract the message content
Message = GetMsg.MessageData
LogMsg = "Received message: " & Message & vbNewLine
TaskID = VBA.CLng(Extract("TaskID", Message))
UserID = Extract("UserID", Message)
ItemUID = Extract("ItemUID", Message)
ComponentName = Extract("ComponentName", Message)
Action = Extract("Action", Message)
'check what action to take
EventType = vbLogEventTypeInformation
ErrorMsg = ""
If LCase$(Action) = "markincomplete" Then
'use the data object to mark the automated task incomplete
Set doi = CreateObject("W0060902.CUnitOfWorkService"
rc = doi.MarkIncomplete(ErrorMsg, TaskID, ItemUID, "System", "Automation rule: the triggering task was marked incomplete."
If rc = 0 Then
LogMsg = LogMsg & "Task was marked incomplete."
LogMsg = LogMsg & "ErrorMsg: " & ErrorMsg
End If
Set doi = Nothing
'create the component
If ComponentName = "" Then
Set eoi = CreateObject("W0060904.CUnitOfWork"
Set eoi = CreateObject(ComponentName)
End If
'execute the external logic, logging any problems which occur
rc = eoi.Execute(UserID, TaskID, ItemUID, ErrorMsg)
If rc = 0 Then
LogMsg = LogMsg & "Automation completed successfully."
If Len(ErrorMsg) > 0 Then
LogMsg = LogMsg & vbNewLine & ErrorMsg
End If
EventType = vbLogEventTypeWarning
LogMsg = LogMsg & _
vbNewLine & "Component: " & ComponentName & _
vbNewLine & " Error: " & ErrorMsg & _
vbNewLine & " Code: " & rc
End If
Set eoi = Nothing
End If
App.LogEvent LogMsg, EventType
Loop Until NoMoreMessages
rc = 0
'close the queue
If Mqueue Is Nothing Then
If Mqueue.IsOpen Then
'Code added by Sumeet for disconnecting the Que
End If
End If
'terminate the objects
Set MQSess = Nothing
Set QMgr = Nothing
Set Mqueue = Nothing
Set GetMsg = Nothing
Set GetOptions = Nothing
'return the exit code
If NoMoreMessages Then
ExitProcess rc
End If
Exit Sub
If Mqueue Is Nothing Then
'check to see if we ran out of messages
If Mqueue.ReasonCode = MQRC_NO_MSG_AVAILABLE Then
NoMoreMessages = True
Resume Done
End If
End If
rc = Err.Number
ErrorMsg = Err.Description
If rc = 429 Then
'could not create the component specified
ErrorMsg = ErrorMsg & " '" & ComponentName & "'"
End If
App.LogEvent _
vbNewLine & "Client process for '" & QueueName & "' ended unexpectedly." & _
vbNewLine & " Error: " & ErrorMsg & _
vbNewLine & " Code: " & rc, vbLogEventTypeError
Resume Done
End Sub