Ok, here's my basic setup: I have a main form which is modal and top level. It controls everything pretty much. When I click a button, the process begins. In a .prg file I want to do another form for user input. That second form is also modal.<br><br>The problem is that when I do the second form, the process continues to run while that form is up, which I don't want. I want the process to wait for the user to click a button to continue.<br><br>I tried to do exactly what the MSDN help said:<br><br>1. Make sure the form is modal.<br>2. In the unload event of the form, return the value you <br> want.<br>3. to call the form: do form #name# to #variable#<br><br>As far as #2 goes, I added a custom property to the form and assign/return that when the user clicks the done button.<br><br>When I run the program, it gets to the point where I have #3 and it says the form must be modal.<br><br>IT IS MODAL...IT COULDN'T BE MORE MODAL!!<br><br>thanks in advance.