Hi All
I have a form consisting of a Tab control with 4 tabs. Each tab has a subform control displaying one page of a multi-page form. I need to synchronise each page of the form so that when I tab from page to page, each page displays the same record.
I have the form working correctly for existing records. I can open the form, select any existing record and view it across the 4 tabs with no problem. I can use the navigation buttons to move to any other existing record and the forms will correctly display that record. So far, no problem.
However, if I add a new record, the forms will not synchronise. I add a new record, select a primary key value from a combo box list and use the after update event to save/requery the form. But the other forms will not synchronise until after I close the form and re-open.
Can anyone suggest a way to synchronise the new record across the 4 tabs?
This is the code to save/requery the new record
This code passes the PK value from the subform to the parent form
This code passes the PK value to the next subform to synchronise the record.
I'm obviously missing something in the After update code, but what?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I have a form consisting of a Tab control with 4 tabs. Each tab has a subform control displaying one page of a multi-page form. I need to synchronise each page of the form so that when I tab from page to page, each page displays the same record.
I have the form working correctly for existing records. I can open the form, select any existing record and view it across the 4 tabs with no problem. I can use the navigation buttons to move to any other existing record and the forms will correctly display that record. So far, no problem.
However, if I add a new record, the forms will not synchronise. I add a new record, select a primary key value from a combo box list and use the after update event to save/requery the form. But the other forms will not synchronise until after I close the form and re-open.
Can anyone suggest a way to synchronise the new record across the 4 tabs?
This is the code to save/requery the new record
Private Sub Office_AfterUpdate()
Dim lngRecordNum As Long
lngRecordNum = Me.CurrentRecord
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, lngRecordNum
Call Form_Current
End Sub
This code passes the PK value from the subform to the parent form
Private Sub Form_Current()
strCond = Office
'Set the textbox txtOffice to the Office value
Parent.txtOffice = strCond
End Sub
This code passes the PK value to the next subform to synchronise the record.
Private Sub subfrmControlledAccessOffice_Enter()
Call pgeOffice_Click
If Me!subfrmStateOffice!Office = "<<Select from Droplist>>" Then
Exit Sub
DoCmd.FindRecord txtOffice, , , acSearchAll, , acCurrent
End If
End Sub
I'm obviously missing something in the After update code, but what?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!