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multiple for and next loops

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Jul 30, 2001
I have 12 squares, 6 named block and 6 named blockgot.

When a block visibility is false I want a blockgot's visibility to be true.

so far I have this :
the block part works, but the blockgot only hides one block on load ?

sub timer1

For i = 0 To 6
If block(i).Visible = True Then
If mozzy.Left < block(i).Left + block(i).Width And mozzy.Left + mozzy.Width > block(i).Left And mozzy.Top < block(i).Top + block(i).Height And mozzy.Top + mozzy.Height > block(i).Top Then
block(i).Visible = False
End If
End If

For a = 0 To 6
If block(i).Visible = False Then
blockgot(a).Visible = True
End If

Next a
Next i

end sub

Sub Form_Load()

block(i).Visible = True
blockgot(a).Visible = False

End Sub

can anybody give me some tips ?

look at your code and what it is doing

timer code first
for i = 0 to 6
if block(0).visible = true then do this test
if passes test then block(0) visible = false
end if
For a = 0 To 6
If block(0).Visible = False Then blockgot(0).Visible = True
End If
next a
If block(1).Visible = False Then blockgot(1).Visible = True
etc etc
If block(6).Visible = False Then blockgot(6).Visible = True
next i
if block(1).visible = true then do this test
end if
For a = 0 To 6
If block(0).Visible = False Then blockgot(0).Visible = True
End If
next a
If block(1).Visible = False Then blockgot(1).Visible = True
etc etc
If block(6).Visible = False Then blockgot(6).Visible = True
and it continue to loop till it has check all the boxes 7 times

I think the problem is when you load only the first blocks
get set.

Sub Form_Load()
block(i).Visible = True 'i = nothing so block(0).visible = true
blockgot(a).Visible = False ' blockgot(0).visible = false
End Sub

I think what you want to do is

Sub Form_Load()
for a = 0 to 5 'you say there are 12 squares so 0,1,2,3,4,5 = count of 6
block(a).Visible = True
blockgot(a).Visible = False
next a
end sub

then it will loop thru each one set it to visible or not

Hopefully I got a grasp on what you were attempting to do.
good luck

Just a quick comment, For i = 0-6 is really a 7 count loop. Is your array a base(0) or base(1)? Dan Grogan

&quot;Absit prudentia nil rei publicae profitur.&quot;
Without common sense you ain't gonna have nothing.
sub timer1

For i = 0 To 5
If block(i).Visible = True Then
If mozzy.Left < block(i).Left + block(i).Width And mozzy.Left + mozzy.Width > block(i).Left And mozzy.Top < block(i).Top + block(i).Height And mozzy.Top + mozzy.Height > block(i).Top Then
block(i).Visible = False
End If
End If
If block(i).Visible = False Then
blockgot(i).Visible = True
end if
'#######################Or, if you also want blockgot(i) NOT Vis when block(i) IS vis, Then below(no if statement)################################################
blockgot(i).Visible = NOT block(i).Visible
Next i
end sub


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Keep It Simple, Stupid!
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