Created 4 following cursors containing records of specific period
1. T_Sale (10 Records)
2. T_SaleRtn (4 Records)
3. T_Purc (7 Records)
4. T_PurcRtn (2 Records)
Making 1 report in which Created 4 Detail Bands for 4 tables but there is NO Data Grouping on any field e.g. Code etc. so how can relate and skip setting of these tables for printing all records of every table in there respective detail band
1. T_Sale (10 Records)
2. T_SaleRtn (4 Records)
3. T_Purc (7 Records)
4. T_PurcRtn (2 Records)
Making 1 report in which Created 4 Detail Bands for 4 tables but there is NO Data Grouping on any field e.g. Code etc. so how can relate and skip setting of these tables for printing all records of every table in there respective detail band