We have decided to create a new database once a year in order to prevent the decrease the performance.We name our database like OGERTUR2000,OGERTUR2001,OGERTUR2002 etc.Our clients select their year in the java application program.For example when they select 2001, the project connects this user to the OGERTUR2001.How can I make my reports connect to these databases dynamically according the clients wish?When clientA is logged as 2000,reportA.rpt must fetch the data from OGERTUR2000,but when clientB is logged as 2001 the SAME REPORTA.rpt must fetch it from OGERTUR2001.I call my reports from browser such as IE 5.0 and higher and Netscape 4.6 and higher.Of course use query string to pass the parameters.Is there any way to solve this nasty problem? )