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Multiple Combobox Behaviors

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Sep 3, 2003

Using a combobox control with a rowsourcetype = 3 and a sql statement into cursor holds the list values to be selected. With the controlsource representing the destination table.field, I need for it to:

1. accept a new value from the user and if value is in the list, position it to the point that matches. IE. The underlying table has a value of "ABC Autos" and the user types "ABC" they are jumped to the opened list with "ABC" Autos" highlighted. So, it must be type=0 (combo and not list)

2. If there is no match, then position the selection to the next higher value as displaying nothing doesn't give the user a clue and doesn't help the user find the correct one. IE. The list maybe "A B C Autos" Positioning the selector within the list near where the entered text should be located, whether found or not, is important as it helps the user find the correct one faster.

3. I'm creating the cursor in the dropdown code. What would that statement look like that will land the user on the next item in the list if the entered text was not found?

4. Do I have to code and test against both the combo's built-in dropdown arrow and built-in textbox? I think yes... Two ways, one by not opening the listbox portion and another staying in the textbox portion only? Appears as too much juggling to do here as a user clicks in textbox and enters text and presses enter or clicks the downarrow, where and when to validate, and how to esc which reverts back to the "before selected value"

So far, I have not yet achieved the expected results and have not had a chance to tryout some theories as discussed in Tamar's excellent article "Combos and Lists-The Forgotten Controls" and has helped in the understanding.

So for now, I have no "what isn't working" question for you experts to answer. Instead, I'm asking for ideas on how to achieve the above goals. Most articles say it cannot be done natively and need a full custom control. What methods should be used? I found Tamar's article while searching for the firing order of the combobox and really never found a conclusive list, however Tamara partially addressed it. I don't remember the details now and will have to revisit.

How is everyone doing this or ideas on how to do this?

Thanks, Stanley

I favor a simple solution. In the combobox you offer an additional choice "Record not Found". If the user selects it he/she may add a new record. Sketch of code below.


oForm1.Visible = .T.

READ Events




DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form
Height = 240
Width = 360
Autocenter = .T.
Borderstyle = 2
MinButton = .F.
MaxButton = .F.
Themes = .F.
ShowTips = .T.

DIMENSION laGuests[1]
	ADD OBJECT lblLName as Label WITH ;
		Top = 24, ;
		Left = 24, ;
		Caption = "Lastname"
	ADD OBJECT lblFName as Label WITH ;
		Top = 24, ;
		Left = 24 + 90 + 12, ;
		Caption = "Firstname"
	ADD OBJECT lblGName as Label WITH ;
		Top = 24, ;
		Left = 126 + 90 + 12, ;
		Caption = "Guest"
	ADD OBJECT lblRNumber as Label WITH ;
		Top = 24, ;
		Left = 228 + 60 + 12, ;
		Caption = "Room"

	ADD OBJECT txtLName as TextBox WITH ;
		Top = 48, ;
		Left = 24, ;
		Width = 90, ;
		ControlSource = "Guests.LastName", ;
		ReadOnly = .T., ;
		DisabledBackColor = RGB(0, 240, 240)
	ADD OBJECT txtFName as TextBox WITH ;
		Top = 48, ;
		Left = 24 + 90 + 12, ;
		Width = 90, ;
		ControlSource = "Guests.FirstName", ;
		ReadOnly = .T., ;
		DisabledBackColor = RGB(0, 240, 240)

	ADD OBJECT txtGNumber as TextBox WITH ;
		Top = 48, ;
		Left = 126 + 90 + 12, ;
		Width = 48, ;
		ControlSource = "Guests.G_No", ;
		ReadOnly = .T., ;
		DisabledBackColor = RGB(0, 240, 240)
	ADD OBJECT txtRNumber as TextBox WITH ;
		Top = 48, ;
		Left = 126 + 90 + 12 + 48 + 12 , ;
		Width = 48, ;
		ControlSource = "Guests.RoomNumber", ;
		Alignment = 1, ;
		ReadOnly = .T., ;
		DisabledBackColor = RGB(0, 240, 240)

	ADD OBJECT cboChooseGuest as ComboBox WITH ;
		Style = 2, ;
		Top = 90, ;
		Left = 24, ;
		Width = 312, ;
		RowSourceType = 5, ;
		RowSource = "ThisForm.laGuests", ;
		ColumnCount = 2, ;
		ColumnWidths = "270, 0", ;
		IncrementalSearch = .T.
		PROCEDURE cboChooseGuest.GotFocus()
*!*			You don't want to have too many items in the COMBOBOX hence you might want to filter with WHERE 
			Select TRANSFORM(G_No) +" - "+ ALLTRIM(LastName) +" "+ ALLTRIM(FirstName) ;
				FROM Guests ;
				WHERE .T. ;
				INTO ARRAY ThisForm.laGuests
			DIMENSION ThisForm.laGuests(ALEN[ThisForm.laGuests, 1] + 1)
			AINS(ThisForm.laGuests, 1)
			ThisForm.laGuests[1] = "0 - Record not found"

		PROCEDURE cboChooseGuest.Click()
			LOCAL liGuestNumber as Integer
			liGuestNumber = VAL(SUBSTR(This.List[This.Listindex, 1], AT("-", This.List[This.Listindex, 1], 1) - 2))

			IF liGuestNumber = 0
				IF MESSAGEBOX("Do you want to add a record?", 4 + 32, "Add Record") = 6
					WAIT WINDOW + "Record not found. Your code to add a new record" TIMEOUT 3

*!*			You may SEEK or INDEXSEEK in a large and indexed table - in a small table LOCATE is fine
				LOCATE FOR Guests.G_No = liGuestNumber 

		CREATE CURSOR Guests (LastName C(42), FirstName C(42), G_No I, RoomNumber C(5))
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Meyer", "Corinne", 1, "101")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Bogart", "Humphrey", 2, "143")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Hepburn", "Katherine", 3, "97")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Clooney", "George", 4, "433")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Miller", "Chris", 5, "132")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Lewis", "Mike", 6, "177")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Smith", "Jenny", 7, "187")







The simpler solution here is to use the autocomplete feature of a textbox and not a combobox.

Make your own experience. I can only warn you users don't care much, you will end up with new values, even though existing ones are meant, as users make typos resulting in a new value, without looking and verifying.

As typos are very frequently happening, it only makes sense to work in combo mode to use the textbox value for SEEKing with SET NEAR ON (well, at least one way to do it) and never take it as a new record, unless the user uses ENTER/RETURN key to actually enter it. That should likely trigger a form to pop up to complete the new record, as it also needs a new first name and likely even more person data.

I'll let you ponder this before I start coding.

Hi Chris,

Chris said:
I can only warn you users don't care much, you will end up with new values, even though existing ones are meant, as users make typos resulting in a new value, without looking and verifying.
Their previous solution offers this behavior and has never created any issues for them. The behavior is purely lookup and not for creating new records. The list needs to contain only valid records from the lookup table and shown in the combo list. Here is what they do now,

In a textbox, user types the value to look for and press F6 (lookup key) which brings up a list of a specified field values with the cursor sitting or as close as possibe to the search value. User selects one and the textbox will be filled out completely. If the value is not found the cursor will be placed on the next higher or lower value (depends on what was defined in the browse lookup. The benefit is user can see what is above and below it, if not found, or land on it if a match is found.

Chris said:
As typos are very frequently happening, it only makes sense to work in combo mode to use the textbox value for SEEKing with SET NEAR ON, and never take it as a new record, unless the user uses ENTER/RETURN key to actually enter it. That should likely trigger a form to pop up to complete the new record, as it also needs a new first name and likely even more person data.
I agree...


Hi mjcmkrsr,

I just ran your code and I see where it can be useful. For the project at hand, I need a more compact way with a behavior to incrementaly search for field values in a table and place the selector as near as possible to the SearchFor value as typed into the combo.


The autocomplete feature is not what I'm after for all the reasons you mention as it contains everything the user types in, valid or not.

The autocomplete feature is not what I'm after for all the reasons you mention as it contains everything the user types in, valid or not.

That's true. But don't write it off too quickly. By setting the AutoComplete property to 4, you can get a lot of control over the order in which the entries are displayed, which means that you can arrange for invalid entries to be so low down the list that they don't actually appear. Admittedly, you need to go to the trouble of updating the AutoComplete table each time the user enters some text, and it's not always obvious how to do that.

The other point is that users are now very much accustomed to this type of auto complete. They see it in search engines, in the address bar in most browsers, and many other places. And these generally include invalid entries. There is something to be said for giving your own users the same behaviour.


Mike Lewis (Edinburgh, Scotland)

Visual FoxPro articles, tips and downloads
Hi Stanley

with a behavior to incrementaly search

Well, INCREMENTAL search IS possible. Just key in 2 or 6 and you see that the corresponding record is highlighted. If you want to search by alphabetic order just adapt the code to your needs.

But since I'm a nice guy [smile] and since it's Easter WE, I adapted the code - it allows to do INCREMENTAL search by alphabetic order

LOCAL loForm

loForm = NEWOBJECT("form1")
loForm.Visible = .T.

READ Events




DEFINE CLASS form1 AS form
Height = 240
Width = 360
Autocenter = .T.
Borderstyle = 2
MinButton = .F.
MaxButton = .F.
Themes = .F.
ShowTips = .T.
Caption = "Famous Guests"

DIMENSION laGuests[1, 1]
	ADD OBJECT lblLName as Label WITH ;
		Top = 24, ;
		Left = 24, ;
		Caption = "Lastname"
	ADD OBJECT lblFName as Label WITH ;
		Top = 24, ;
		Left = 24 + 90 + 12, ;
		Caption = "Firstname"
	ADD OBJECT lblGName as Label WITH ;
		Top = 24, ;
		Left = 126 + 90 + 12, ;
		Caption = "Guest"
	ADD OBJECT lblRNumber as Label WITH ;
		Top = 24, ;
		Left = 228 + 60 + 12, ;
		Caption = "Room"
	ADD OBJECT txtLName as TextBox WITH ;
		Top = 48, ;
		Left = 24, ;
		Width = 90, ;
		ControlSource = "Guests.LastName", ;
		ReadOnly = .T., ;
		DisabledBackColor = RGB(0, 240, 240)
	ADD OBJECT txtFName as TextBox WITH ;
		Top = 48, ;
		Left = 24 + 90 + 12, ;
		Width = 90, ;
		ControlSource = "Guests.FirstName", ;
		ReadOnly = .T., ;
		DisabledBackColor = RGB(0, 240, 240)

	ADD OBJECT txtGNumber as TextBox WITH ;
		Top = 48, ;
		Left = 126 + 90 + 12, ;
		Width = 48, ;
		ControlSource = "Guests.G_No", ;
		ReadOnly = .T., ;
		DisabledBackColor = RGB(0, 240, 240)
	ADD OBJECT txtRNumber as TextBox WITH ;
		Top = 48, ;
		Left = 126 + 90 + 12 + 48 + 12 , ;
		Width = 48, ;
		ControlSource = "Guests.RoomNumber", ;
		Alignment = 1, ;
		ReadOnly = .T., ;
		DisabledBackColor = RGB(0, 240, 240)
	ADD OBJECT cboChooseGuest as ComboBox WITH ;
		Style = 2, ;
		Top = 90, ;
		Left = 24, ;
		Width = 312, ;
		RowSourceType = 5, ;
		RowSource = "ThisForm.laGuests", ;
		ColumnCount = 2, ;
		ColumnWidths = "270, 0", ;
		IncrementalSearch = .T.
		PROCEDURE cboChooseGuest.GotFocus()
*!*			You don't want to have too many items in the COMBOBOX hence you might want to filter with WHERE 
			Select ALLTRIM(LastName) +" "+ ALLTRIM(FirstName), G_No ;
				FROM Guests ;
				WHERE .T. ;
				ORDER BY 1 ;
				INTO ARRAY ThisForm.laGuests
			DIMENSION ThisForm.laGuests[ALEN(ThisForm.laGuests, 1) + 1, 2]

			WITH ThisForm
				.laGuests[ALEN(ThisForm.laGuests, 1), 1] = "*** Record not found ***"
				.laGuests[ALEN(ThisForm.laGuests, 1), 2] = 99


		PROCEDURE cboChooseGuest.Click()
			LOCAL liGuestNumber as Integer
			liGuestNumber = VAL(This.List[This.Listindex, 2])

			IF liGuestNumber = 99
				IF MESSAGEBOX("Do you want to add a record?", 4 + 32, "Add Record") = 6
					WAIT WINDOW + "Record not found. Your code to add a new record" TIMEOUT 3

*!*			You may SEEK or INDEXSEEK in a large and indexed table - in a small table LOCATE is fine
				LOCATE FOR Guests.G_No = liGuestNumber 
		CREATE CURSOR Guests (LastName C(42), FirstName C(42), G_No I, RoomNumber C(5))
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Meyer", "Corinne", 1, "101")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Bogart", "Humphrey", 2, "143")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Hepburn", "Katherine", 3, "97")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Clooney", "George", 4, "433")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Miller", "Chris", 5, "132")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Lewis", "Mike", 6, "177")
		INSERT INTO Guests values("Smith", "Jenny", 7, "187")







seems you overlook everything else I said, too. But as Mike said you can make autocomplete work in several ways. You could avoid wrong or half entries to be stored in Valid, I think, by verifying the textbox value is either a valid entry and if not only accept it if the last key was ENTER (the user stating "I want this as new entry") and not TAB (the user stating: I didn't find what I looked for and want to tab away only"). It's all in what I said already.

In fact, a textbox with autocomplete = 1 (alphabetical) and this Valid event works nicely:
If InList(Lastkey(),9,27)
   This.Value = ''
Now you can TAB away which empties the box and doesn't enter the value or use ESC to empty the textbox box and stay to try again. And, just by the way, if you enter a first letter and don't find anything, you can use DEL and then get all entries listed. I think it's still not what you want as typing say "B" in a list without any name starting with B will not display the next name in alphabetical order, say with D but I think that's not helpful anyway. Indeed that nothing is displayed as nothing starts with B indicates to the user that nobody with B exists and if really someone with B was meant, he has to enter the name fully, which is nicer than offering any other name. If the "B" was a typo the user can just simply DEL or ESC and start over. It all works very nicely and as Mike said it's a feature people got used to by the internet anyway.


and a little demo how AutoComplete textboxes work

*!*	If you don't specify where to save the AutoComp.* files, you find them in the HOME(7) folder
*!*	The command to open it is
*!*	USE HOME(7) + "autocomp" ORDER data
*!*	***********

LOCAL goForm

goForm = CREATEOBJECT("frmForm")
goForm.Visible = .T.





DEFINE CLASS frmForm as Form

Caption = "Autocomplete TextBoxes"
AutoCenter = .T.
BorderStyle = 3
Width = 570
MinWidth = 570
Height = 300
MinHeight = 300
MinButton = .F.
MaxButton = .F.
Themes = .F.

	ADD OBJECT lblName as Label WITH Left = 12, Top = 12, Caption = "Name"
	ADD OBJECT lblCity as Label WITH Left = 108, Top = 12, Caption = "City"

	ADD OBJECT txtName as Textbox WITH Top = 36, Left = 12, Width = 90, AutoComplete = 1, AutoCompSource = "cAllNames"
		PROCEDURE txtName.Valid
			IF LEN(ALLTRIM(This.Value)) < 5
				WAIT WINDOW + ALLTRIM(This.Value) + " is too short" TIMEOUT 2
				RETURN 0

	ADD OBJECT txtCity as Textbox WITH Top = 36, Left = 108, Width = 90, AutoComplete = 1, AutoCompSource = "cAllCities"

		PROCEDURE txtCity.Valid
			IF LEN(ALLTRIM(This.Value)) < 5
				WAIT WINDOW + ALLTRIM(This.Value) + " is too short" TIMEOUT 2
				RETURN 0

	ADD OBJECT cmdSave as Commandbutton WITH Top = 12, Left = 204, Height = 48, Caption = "Save", BackColor = RGB(0, 250, 250)
		PROCEDURE cmdSave.Click()
			IF NOT (EMPTY(ThisForm.txtName.Value) OR EMPTY(ThisForm.txtCity.Value))
				INSERT INTO csrBirthdays VALUES (ThisForm.txtName.Value, ThisForm.txtCity.Value, DATETIME())
				= MESSAGEBOX("No record added!", 64, "Adding Record", 2000)

	ADD OBJECT grdNamesCities AS Grid WITH ;
		RecordSource = "csrBirthdays", ;
		ColumnCount = -1 , ;
		Left = 12, ;
		Top = 72, ;
		Width = ThisForm.Width - 24, ;
		Height = ThisForm.Height - 84, ;
		DeleteMark = .F. , ;
		Enabled = .T. , ;
		Anchor = 15
		PROCEDURE grdNamesCities.Init
			 WITH This.Column1
			  .Width = 60			
			  .Header1.Caption = "Name"

			 WITH This.Column2
			  .Width = 90			
			  .Header1.Caption = "City"

			 WITH This.Column3
			  .Width = 150			
			  .Header1.Caption = "Date - Time"
		CREATE CURSOR csrBirthdays (cName C(24), cCity C(24), tDate T)
	PROCEDURE Destroy()


Thanks, MarK!

Now, Stanley, you can combine Mark's valid event code with mine, and adjust or refine it. Prepare data like a list of names and cities or a dictionary table to have just the normal autocomplete of text. You can weigh things on the number of usages, and you can introduce a better search feature by using something like Soundex, but in the end, almost all words will be within selection if you just enter two or three letters and indeed the just usual combobox incremental search is almost as efficient without any programming, as it's really not a good service to go to the net best fit if it's not at all what the user searches, no matter if what he typed is going off because it's a typo or if it's not a typo and no name starts that way.

I mean, give me an example of a list of values you have and a user entry that's not getting a match of all typed-in letters and still leads you to the final goal. With a "near" search you're allowing a typo, but still, only go to the nearest entry from that typo value. If I consider a dictionary as the autocomplete table typing in "Mile" by missing the second L of Miller I just end up there, at the word mile. And there are still miles away from a miller. So, the best I can do as a user is to DL back to "Mil" and correct my typo to get to Millenium and some other words near Miller.

It's still that one of the few who did the groundwork of autocomplete, Charles Babbage, can be glad to never experience his name being autocorrected to Cabbage all the time.

In short: searching nearest value is no big advance from sticking to a completely unintelligent incremental search. I bet you that's why the Fox team never really went into enhancing it with autocorrection features like seeking with NEAR ON. They still implemented Soundex and SET NEAR, true, but in controls, you're still almost always better off with a dumbed-down incremental search.

Again, convince me. Show me a case with a helpful near matching. The crux is not only that a typo does not make you approach the target far better than the start of the word/name before the typo, a typo is a letter on a keyboard one key away, but usually far off in the alphabetical order. i.e. typos of V are not U or W, they are C,F, or B, so taking them for the near search doesn't bring you near where you actually want to be, no matter if you do an exact search and find nothing or near search and either stick to the best match you already had or only go a bit off of it, but nowhere near the actual target. From the typo onwards, even a near search doesn't get you to the goal. It's only a bit better in that it doesn't bring you to the end of the list. I would even suggest that an exact search going to EOF is something you can use to give the user a feedback like a beep to indicate there's nothing starting with what's typed in, so the user can DEL (or backspace) and continue searching or complete his entry and finally ENTER it.

Let's do it the other way around. I take your notice that it's unhelpful of incremental search to go to EOF if nothing is found and take it as a task to let a typo or mismatch stick to the best match you had so far instead of ending at EOF. That can be done by memorizing the best match as last match and if getting to EOF you go back to the last match.

That's indeed a bit simpler with a combobox than with autocomplete, let me look into it and come back with code examples.

First try to let autocomplete stick to the best match you already had fails. In interactivechange I don't detect the autocomp.dbf VFP uses (by default) to be open. I assume it is used by VFP in a "secret" datasession id 0, and not available to you. So I don't immediately see a way to make automcomplete stick to the best match you had without reverting the input value to the one before, I can't even detect what autocomplete list and offers for picking in a dropdown, there's no access to it.

So let me start experimenting with a combobox in actual combo mode to see what can be done with either doing an own incremental search or improving the automatic incremental search within the interactivechange event, for example, to not go to EOF and instead at least stick to what your best match was from previous incremental search states. Don't count with another post today already.

Mike said:
But don't write it off too quickly. By setting the AutoComplete property to 4,
I was unaware that autocomplete has options. I'll work on this later today as there is a lot testing needs done. I'll use mjcmkrsr code for the test bed and try to incorporate what Chris said earlier.

Chris, what would your controlsource look like? And what would the recordsource look like using type 3, particularly the part implementing "set near"? It is my understanding a sql select statement into cursor does not respect "set near" issued beforehand. Is this correct?


I don't know where your last question stems from. SET NEAR has an effect on SEEK command, SEEK() and INDEXSEEK() functions, but not on SQL. You would want the incremental search to be fast, so using an index on the combobox items and a SEEK, won't you? And you waon't use an SQL as your rowsource. Why are you finding this type of rowsource so useful? You want your combobox to have a static set of items to pick from and the search mechanism to move closest as possible to the target item, but not want to requerry items while you type. That's may be what you think you want, but it's really not practical. You navigate in the items, you don't filter the items or requery with each interactivechange.

Lets start over as we are in two different worlds. The first thing I noticed with mjcmkrsr solution was no combobox and a lot of fields to gather the data for the test.

This thread was started after mentioning it in another thread where I am needing this functionality in a combobox that is in a grid cell. Since I can only show one control in the cell, I'm stuck with the combobox which should be sufficient, if I can ever get it coded right. With the combobox, I have controlsource, rowsource, rowsourcetype, value and DisplayValue. I also don't want to bring up yet another window or form to facilitate this as it is not needed, hopefully.

First, can we agree that the combobox control is needed if shown in a grid cell?

I've prepared a short video showing the user experience that I'm trying to duplicate with a combobox in a grid cell. There is no grid in the video, but video has a textbox for entering a value (combobox has an integrated textbox control that can be used to enter value). To do a lookup in the video, user presses F6 while in the textbox. In VFP, user will click the control's down arrow button which opens the list (is same behavior as F6) The url is: https:\\The link doesn't seem to work from here, but does when pasted in browser.

I am also aware this is a text-based vs gui-based UI, however the experience can be the same, whereas the user inputs text into the textbox component of the combobox and clicking the combobox's down arrow can equal the F6 key as shown in the video. The list that is presented is of the actual data in the table. The functionality shown in the video is useful in many other senerios.

Where is the best place to trap for ESC being pressed when the combobox list is shown? By default it selects the highlighted row, regardless of navigation mode. In my case I need to test for ESC and if found, restore original value.

Until now, I have been able to do everything needed with a rowsourcetype of 1, 2, and 3. I've never used any of the others. Also, I have never used a builder to build a combobox, until today. School is in session...

So Chris, how do you implement a non-sql or non-alias way that uses the seek as I have no ideal on how to begin in its setup and using or not using the 5-data related values (controlsource, rowsource, rowsourcetype, value and DisplayValue)

I'm creating a test form based on Northwind data that can be shared by saving it as a class...

stanlyn said:
First, can we agree that the combobox control is needed if shown in a grid cell?
No, an autocomplete textbox is an alternative, but I'll try with a combobox in combo mode.

stanlyn said:
Where is the best place to trap for ESC
The events Keypress and/or Valid, likely both. What's your problem with figuring that out, Stanley? It's a standard to check Lastkey() in valid and alloww leavnig the control when that's ESC (Lastkey()=27), take a look into hackers guide, for example.

So Chris, how do you implement a non-sql or non-alias
I never said you you'd not use an alias. You put restrictions in my mouth I never told you about. I just said I never would use a SQL query as rowsourcetype. Because you don't want to repeatedly do SQL potentially in every Interactivechange that does a requery of the cobobox items. What you should aim for is letting the interactivechange navigate the list of items you got once initially. Your video also shows that the list coming up is full and just positioned on the best match. And as far as I understand your demand that item list is a full table, so alias as rowsourcetype is the case here. Same with an autocomplete textbox, you'd specify an autocomplete table with fully populated data column. Let's just put this aside a bit for now. I find it already is a solution, but you haven't even looked into it yet.

You're avoiding to answer questions. Questions you will have to address whether you want or not.

In your video you show the data comes from a multiple field table. If you make the Firstname column of a combobox to pick from and allow entering a new firstname, well, what will the rest of the data empty. What about that. If actually a new Firstname is entered that isn't in the list to pick from, then you have other fields, most of them will be mandatory and not optional to know, won't they? So what about that, Stanlyn? Even if you have no field rules and a mostly empty record is allowed you're introducing sparse data that later needs to be cared for, if you allow new records to be entered by the combobox. If the grid list is not that table but the person column is just about maintaining a foreign key of a person, then you also don't have the other fields of the person record in the grid to enter that. And if you even would have the person list in the grid, then you would have the firstname column in it without a combobox. The navigation to a person then is best done with textboxes under or over the grid.

That question makes it questionable to have such a combobox for locating a person and adding a new one, which indeed correctly led MarK to offer what he did.

myself said:
Show me a case with a helpful near matching.

you indirectly answered how you'd make use of it with your video [URL unfurl="true"]https://www.stanlyn.com/public/combobox.mp4[/url] (The internet uses slashes, not backslashes).
There's a case you enter Rickeyzzzz at about 2 minutes and the result of that is that the navigation is at Rickie directly under Rickey. The only real advantage about this near search is that you're not nowhere or at EOF, but surely not that you're at one record below the last match.

Maybe I should expand, that I expected you to want that at each time the user enters a letter you want to navigate and already have the list displayed. Not needing that turns up another need, a key the user uses to indicate he now wants to see the list positioned near what he entered so far into the textbox of the combobox. That's F6 in your demo. We could make use of that, fine.

But overall I stick to what I said last, the feature is mainly only helpful in that it doesn't bring you to EOF and the better fit in case you enter Rickeyzzzzz is still Rickey, not Rickie. Rickeyzzzz starts with Rickey, that's 6 matching letters, while Rickie only has the first 4 letters matching. And that's generally the case, if you think about it.

It turns out in expermineting with toe combo mode that the textbox portion is not just free from influence of the combobox items list.
When you set a controlsource the displaytext of the textbox will be the first column of the items list, that is the first column of the rowsource of the combobox.
So you're not starting empty in that textbox portion and can use it for input of the partial name you want to incrementally search for in the items list. That makes the combobox not usable for our idea. No matter how much we differ about details. The textbox is not independent from the items list. And that dependency is strong within a grid, as a gridcolumn always has a controlsource the combobox also inherits. Even with BoundTo = .F. you don't escape that dependency and influence, you don't have the textbox portion for your own usage only, anyway.

So I get back to the autocomplete textbox. There's an idea worth following up, using our own specific automcplete table you have the best ways to make use of the input for navigation within the records of thee autocomplete table.

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