I have a database full of names and other information.
I was wondering how i would be able to make my one list of names into 2 or 3. I have tried as many things as i can think of, without success. I want the names to go
ABC District XYZ School john adams jill aveeno
jim bryant
TUV School Bill abrahms etc.
DEF District MNO School ...
So the second column pulls the "even" names while the "odd" names go in the first column. But then i want the names to stop when the District/School name changes.
I was wondering how i would be able to make my one list of names into 2 or 3. I have tried as many things as i can think of, without success. I want the names to go
ABC District XYZ School john adams jill aveeno
jim bryant
TUV School Bill abrahms etc.
DEF District MNO School ...
So the second column pulls the "even" names while the "odd" names go in the first column. But then i want the names to stop when the District/School name changes.