using L/S trunking into the system, going from the call Route table> Hunt group> to ext.
only 1 call at a time can be in place. the display on reception phone will say, 1 call waiting. Problem is the only way to pick up second call is thru a reverse transfer button.
(which I can't seem to get to work), Manually no problem, but when I program a speed dial button (*42000), I get "use special key for feature codes"
this all seems Mid evil to me. reception should be able to take multiple calls. It seems that the hunt group messes with things. though you need the hunt group for the timers, to go to AA(CRA).
only 1 call at a time can be in place. the display on reception phone will say, 1 call waiting. Problem is the only way to pick up second call is thru a reverse transfer button.
(which I can't seem to get to work), Manually no problem, but when I program a speed dial button (*42000), I get "use special key for feature codes"
this all seems Mid evil to me. reception should be able to take multiple calls. It seems that the hunt group messes with things. though you need the hunt group for the timers, to go to AA(CRA).