I don't want to go way out in the weeds on this issue but maybe if someone has seen it before and the fix wasn't overly involved...
Multiple APE units for this site. V4.0 on old patches--no avenue for upgrades with no service contracts. Some nights APEs will sync up with no issue. Most nights they fail. The only common denominator I can find are the errors logging when they fail. Each APE will log multiple Int0D general protection errors soft restarts against roughly similar software addresses. Then the process just moves the "working" copy of software back to
DS: and tries again the next night. It attempts to do the restore about 5 times before giving up. Since the same problems occur on all of the units it seems like whatever the problem is must be the same for each unit. We installed a new disk on one these units 3 weeks ago and it has yet to sync up with the mothership database. All of the proper commands were run to init the APE when the disk was replaced. DBC,APE,CPCI,APESM,etc. Access from APE to main site is working for FTP to the IPDA subdirectory. It all looks good but it won't sync. From the looks of the /.AS/BACKUP/var_hbr/rmx directory it's copying the files from the main site. This logs the same type of Int0D errors the other locations are showing when they fail. I have attached two text files from two different APE units just to illustrate the common (closely) errors recorded. I am not too overly concerned as this site is likely not long for this world but if any has any input===thanks.
Multiple APE units for this site. V4.0 on old patches--no avenue for upgrades with no service contracts. Some nights APEs will sync up with no issue. Most nights they fail. The only common denominator I can find are the errors logging when they fail. Each APE will log multiple Int0D general protection errors soft restarts against roughly similar software addresses. Then the process just moves the "working" copy of software back to