In the practice exams, there are quite a few questions regarding how to test using a meter. None of my study material (2 fat books and a buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunch of websites) gives more than cursory attention to meters. I know that a digital multimeter will need to be part of my diagnostic kit, but what do I do with it? (Okay, I'm not QUITE that dense.) There are questions like "[component] is tested a)in series b)in parallel c)doesn't matter. Is this something that I need
a)both for the exam and for the real world
b)for the exam, but not the real world
c)for the real world, but not the exam
d)neither for the exam nor the real world; those questions are there strictly to increase anxiety level
e)know it--it's good for you.
Where can I go to get this material--Please?
a)both for the exam and for the real world
b)for the exam, but not the real world
c)for the real world, but not the exam
d)neither for the exam nor the real world; those questions are there strictly to increase anxiety level
e)know it--it's good for you.
Where can I go to get this material--Please?