I want to read a multidimensional array like this
/home input
testh1 test2
testh3 test4
testh5 test6
testh7 test8
The # lines and fields are not constant. Next step is to idenify each row and column. Can somebody help?
I was using this
I want to read a multidimensional array like this
/home input
testh1 test2
testh3 test4
testh5 test6
testh7 test8
The # lines and fields are not constant. Next step is to idenify each row and column. Can somebody help?
I was using this
cat $DIR/files.dat | awk '{
if (max_nf < NF)
max_nf = NF
max_nr = NR
for (x = 1; x <= NF; x++)
vector[x, NR] = $x