Moving single user access db to multi user sql7 db. Currently have a salesman, customer, and orders table. The salesman table has a boolean (yes/no) field. the user is presented with a bound grid where they can select which salesman to include in an orders report by "checking" the boolean field. the report is then run linking the 3 tables using the customer boolean field as a where field to retrieve only orders for the selected salesman. Works fine.
Moving to multi user has presented obvious issues. main one is how to maintain by user which salesman is selected for the report (assuming 2 or more people generate the report concurrently). if i use only the main salesman table then other users could be simultaneously changing the selections!
Ideas or direction would be most appreciated. thankyou.
Moving to multi user has presented obvious issues. main one is how to maintain by user which salesman is selected for the report (assuming 2 or more people generate the report concurrently). if i use only the main salesman table then other users could be simultaneously changing the selections!
Ideas or direction would be most appreciated. thankyou.