Need help with Multi Select Coding. I wish to allow users to view a selection from Combobox. As they select the items the information is stored. The idea is to allow the uers to update multiple records at once. They would fill in dates (Materiel Onsite, Crew Onsite, Projected Completion). Now they would select from the different communication sites(Site 1, Site 4, Site 6, Site 8, ....). Now they click the Update button and then an update query will takes the values stored for that combo box and update each record. Any Ideas here. Thinking of an Array that is increased or decreased as the user clicks on an items. The computer will check the array for that value, and if it doent exist it will add it to the array. If the item is in the array it will delete the item from the array. Am I going in the write direction, or of working a simple task.