i got these errors in the eventlog
event id 9321 source MSexchangeMTA
An RPC communications error occurred. An attempt to listen over RPC has failed. NT Error 11004. [ BASE IL MAIN BASE 1 504](14)
event id 9266 source MSexchangeMTA
A fatal system error occurred while initializing the MTA. Reboot the computer. If that does not work, contact MS tech support.
[4 BASE IL MAIN BASE 1 173](16)
event id 9406 source MSexchangeMTA
There is not enough performance memory to display the MTA Connection information. Stop attached Performance Monitors and re-start the MTA
event id 9996 source MSexchangeMTA
The description for event id (9996) in source (MSExchangeMTA) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s): ExitProcess called in file g:\MTA\src\emsmta\sysglue\sbnilnt.c, line 2762
and from EV0.log
message NMI9321: Interface Event, severity 14
(BASE IL MAIN BASE(1) Proc 504) 03-17-03 03:14:48pm
Failed to listen over RPC
NT error code 11004
message NMI9266: Internal Operating System Error, severity 16
(BASE IL MAIN BASE(1) Proc 173) 03-17-03 03:14:48pm
Thread create failed during init : type = 4 (see NTDMOD.H)
what i'm wondering is what this "BASE IL MAIN BASE" stuff is?
and what are the ".out" files in the mtadata directory, can they tell me anything useful?
cheers ===============
Security Forums
event id 9321 source MSexchangeMTA
An RPC communications error occurred. An attempt to listen over RPC has failed. NT Error 11004. [ BASE IL MAIN BASE 1 504](14)
event id 9266 source MSexchangeMTA
A fatal system error occurred while initializing the MTA. Reboot the computer. If that does not work, contact MS tech support.
[4 BASE IL MAIN BASE 1 173](16)
event id 9406 source MSexchangeMTA
There is not enough performance memory to display the MTA Connection information. Stop attached Performance Monitors and re-start the MTA
event id 9996 source MSexchangeMTA
The description for event id (9996) in source (MSExchangeMTA) could not be found. It contains the following insertion string(s): ExitProcess called in file g:\MTA\src\emsmta\sysglue\sbnilnt.c, line 2762
and from EV0.log
message NMI9321: Interface Event, severity 14
(BASE IL MAIN BASE(1) Proc 504) 03-17-03 03:14:48pm
Failed to listen over RPC
NT error code 11004
message NMI9266: Internal Operating System Error, severity 16
(BASE IL MAIN BASE(1) Proc 173) 03-17-03 03:14:48pm
Thread create failed during init : type = 4 (see NTDMOD.H)
what i'm wondering is what this "BASE IL MAIN BASE" stuff is?
and what are the ".out" files in the mtadata directory, can they tell me anything useful?
cheers ===============
Security Forums