According to MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0 support the FTP protocol, but how could I use it to FTP post a file to a remote FTP server that requires a username and password.
I guess it would be somthing like the following:
Questions are
1) what should I pass in to the
method if I want to post c:\test\file1.exe?
2) How could I specify the remote filename (or would it automatically be file1.exe?
3) Do I need to specify that file transfer should be done using the binary mode (as opposed to the ASCII mode)?
4) Would I need to set any other request header??
I guess it would be somthing like the following:
objXMLHTTP.Open("PUT", "ftp://remoteFTPSite, false,userName,password);
Questions are
1) what should I pass in to the
2) How could I specify the remote filename (or would it automatically be file1.exe?
3) Do I need to specify that file transfer should be done using the binary mode (as opposed to the ASCII mode)?
4) Would I need to set any other request header??