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MSVC.NET slow on startup due to MDM.EXE 1

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Mar 9, 2004
About six months ago, I installed MS Script Debugger on my machine. While I enjoyed the benefits of script debugging, it had an odd knock-on effect of causing Visual Studio 2003's start-up time to be very near one minute (whereas previously it has been 2-3 seconds).

The sequence of events:

1. I double-click on the Visual Studio 2003 icon.
2. The VS2003 splach screen is shown for about 15 seconds.
3. A dialog pops up (generated by MDM.EXE) that looks to be giving me the command-line options for MDM.EXE. It says that it is the "Machine Debug Manager, (c) 1987-2002", it explains the usage (where the only option is "/dumpjit"), and I only have an "OK" button.
4. If I click OK or not doesn't matter. VS2003's IDE doesn't show-up until about 30 seconds later. Once it does pop up, even if I didn't click OK on the MDM dialog, it closes.

I've uninstalled MS Script Debugger and this didn't go away. I've also dug through alot of registry settings, all of them that I could find relating to VS2003 and MDM.EXE, with no luck.

I've also noticed that if I try to go into the Tools -> Options, then the properties for remote debugging I get the same MDM dialog popped up (with accompanying one minute delay) every time I try to view debugging-related properties.

Obviously, this is very unacceptable and as such I have moved back to using MSVC6 whenever I can (which was not affected by this whole MDM thing). Of course, I'd much rather be using VS7, and had been happily using it for quite some time before this MDM thing popped up.

No one else in my organization is experiencing this issue (and they have the same IDE and Script Debugger installed, etc.). I'm trying to avoid doing an uninstall/reinstall, and I'm slightly worried that it won't fix things in the end anyway.

Any suggestions would be great. BTW, the Visual Stuido components I have installed are: C++, C#, VB, Xbox.

I have the same problem with access and scripts for the Data Access Pages. I have tried to uninstall MDM but no luck getting rid of it. It really slows things down. Let me know if you figure it out. I will continue to try and find the solution.

I found the solution on MS's MSDN newsgroups. If you search the newsgroups for "MDM" or "MDM.exe" you'll find the problem.

If I remember correctly, you just need to make sure that the MDM service is registered and started. The command-line option is: "/service:register MDM", so just type this at the command line (while in the same directory as your mdm.exe file) and things should be fixed:

mdm /service:register MDM

You were correct (or very close). The actual problem on my machine was mdm was disabled as a service. Once I set to automatic, everything worked :)

Paul D
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